Enhancing Environmental Decision-Making: The Role of Double-Loop Spatial Learning and Gamification


  • Frida Vania Alfizahr Faculty of Social Sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang
  • Alfyananda Putra Faculty of Social Sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang
  • Syazwani Binti Sazali Universitas Kuala Lumpur


double-loop spatial learning, gamification, critical thinking, environmental decision making


The Double-Loop Spatial Learning model presents a form of integration with various educational materials, particularly in the context of inland waters within the dynamics of the hydrosphere. This research aims to ascertain the impact of the gamification-assisted double-loop spatial learning model on the critical thinking abilities and environmental decision-making in the study of inland water dynamics pertaining to hydrospheric material, employing a quasi experimental research type with a non-equivalent control group design for the research design. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling, resulting in the selection of students from the 10th grade Social Science 1 class as the experimental group and the 10th grade Social Science 2 class as the control group. Based on the results of the independent sample t-test, it is indicated that there is a significant effect of the gamification-assisted DoubleLoop Spatial Learning model on the critical thinking abilities and environmental decision-making in the experimental group's study of inland waters, with the ttest values obtained being 10.938 for critical thinking ability and 3.522 for environmental decision making.


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The landscape of geography education has undergone significant transformations over time. This encompasses the methodologies through which students engage with specific subjects for educational purposes, as well as the developmental advantages accruing to students. Geographic education extends beyond the exploration of Earth's physical representation to also facilitate cognitive development. The capacity to comprehend and analyze phenomena from a spatial perspective is central [1]. The relationship between objects and places within a spatial framework—a critical skill with practical applications in decision-making and problem-solving [2] [3]. Despite its affirmed importance in the literature, there is a shortfall in the implementation of effective approaches to integrate spatial thinking into the geography curriculum effectively [4].

Critical thinking is the deliberate process through which individuals assess the merit of their ideas using a rational, reflective, independent, and clear approach. Recent research indicates that critical thinking, particularly within the context of geography, is essential for enabling students to logically excavate and evaluate information, forming deeper understandings [5] [6], of environmental phenomena [7] [8]. However, data from the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) in 2018 reveals that the critical thinking abilities of Indonesian students—specifically in science—are far from satisfactory, with 35% of students falling below the threshold of basic competence (PISA, 2018). This limitation indicates an urgent need to develop educational strategies that bolster these capabilities.

Furthermore, the Environmental Performance Index report of 2022 underscores a significant shortfall in environmental concern within Indonesia, where the nation scored a mere 28.2 out of 100, positioning it at an alarmingly low rank globally (Environmental Performance Index, 2022). This indicates the imperative need to incorporate environmental ethical values into geographic education, an aspect that has not been comprehensively integrated into the geography education curriculum [9].

In light of this gap, the present study proposes the Double-Loop Spatial Learning model as an innovation in geographic education. This model is designed not only to develop students' critical thinking in the context of geography but also to facilitate informed environmental decision-making [10]. The Double-Loop concept, which encourages students to engage in continuous reflection and evaluation processes, has not been widely adopted or tested in the Indonesian context, particularly in challenging topics such as inland waters [11]. This study aims to bridge this gap by investigating how this innovative learning model can influence students' understanding of geography and enhance their ability to apply this knowledge in real-world contexts, especially when facing the increasingly complex environmental challenges [12].

Double-Loop Spatial Learning is a specialized learning model designed to cultivate cognitive skills, enabling individuals to effectively navigate challenges and make informed decisions. In the endeavor to integrate theory and practice, the Double-Loop Spatial Learning model strives to bolster a holistic approach to geographic education by training students to connect theoretical understanding with actual spatial phenomena through practical application and visual representation [13]. The implementation of this model prioritizes the habituation of profound critical thinking, focusing on cognitive aspects that are identifiable and observable, introducing a new paradigm in geographic education [14].

However, existing literature has not fully elucidated how this learning model impacts students’ critical thinking abilities within the context of the hydrosphere—an area that urgently necessitates further research, considering the urgency of increasingly complex environmental issues [15]. Within this context, the model promises the development of robust skills for addressing issues of inland waters, prioritizing strategic thinking and effective solutions [16].

Implementing the DLSL model, students are prompted to cultivate critical thinking skills, nurture a visionary mindset, and foster logical and coherent reasoning. Furthermore, this model endeavors to foster a deeper understanding of Environmental Decision-Making, preparing students to address realistic spatial issues [17]. This requires sustained interaction between students and the environment, promoting creative behavior in decision-making [18]— a critical aspect that has not been thoroughly explored within the context of Indonesian geographic education [19].

In this research, the selection of materials is anchored in the pivotal role of the hydrosphere in sustaining life, particularly its significance as a focal point in geography education. The hydrosphere material, which relates to the spatial and ecological aspects of social life [20], provides students with opportunities to address significant questions about the world around them [21]. However, there is a gap in the literature regarding how the Double-Loop Spatial Learning approach, with a focus on hydrosphere material, can facilitate analytical critical thinking in a broader context of spatial decision-making [22] [23].

This study also investigates the potential of gamification as a strategy to enhance student engagement in the learning process. Although gamification has been recognized as a tool to increase motivation and engagement within the context of digital learning, its application in the context of geographic education, especially pertaining to hydrospheric content, has not been extensively explored [24] [25]. Gamification can provide an interactive and engaging environment, potentially transforming students' perceptions of analytical learning into a more enjoyable experience [26]. This approach can facilitate cognitive, behavioral, and affective engagement of students in learning, which is crucial for deep understanding and application of geographic concepts in real life [27] [28].

Gamification elements such as leaderboards, quests, points, progress bars, and rewards, when well-designed, can enhance critical thinking abilities and environmental decision-making by creating a more dynamic and contextual learning environment [29] [30]. By identifying and addressing this gap, the present study aims to test the influence of the Double-Loop Spatial Learning model integrated with gamification elements on students' critical thinking abilities and Environmental Decision-Making in hydrosphere content. This is a significant step towards understanding how geographic education can be more effective in developing the competencies needed to face environmental challenges in the modern era.

However, current discourse in geographic education research reveals a gap in understanding the long-term impact of iterative learning models such as DLSL on students' attitudes and actions towards the environment. There is a deficiency in longitudinal studies that track the evolution of students’ environmental attitudes and actions following interventions with models like DLSL. In response to this gap, this study aims to longitudinally assess the impact of DLSL on students' environmental attitudes and behaviors, providing empirical evidence for the sustainability and scalability of such pedagogical interventions within geographic education.


The Double-Loop Spatial Learning Model provides an integrative framework that enriches pedagogical content, especially in the context of studying inland waters as part of the hydrological cycle. Learning geography as an empirical science can utilize this model aided by the use of GimKit to enhance applicability and illustrate its impact on the quality of student learning. Therefore, this study aims to elucidate the following research questions (RQs):

RQ 1: How does Gamification-Supported Double-Loop Spatial Learning affect Critical Thinking Abilities in the study of Inland Waters within the Hydrological Cycle?

RQ 2: How does Double-Loop Spatial Learning influence Environmental Decision-Making in the study of Inland Waters within the Hydrological Cycle?

This research adopts a quasi-experimental design with a non-equivalent control group to assess the efficacy of Gamification-Supported Double-Loop Spatial Learning in fostering students' capacities for critical thinking and environmental decision-making. This design was chosen to facilitate controlled comparisons between the experimental and control groups, considering the limitations present in authentic educational settings. Table 1 outlines the research design scheme in detail.

The subjects of this study comprised first-level students (grade X) in the Social Sciences program at SMA Islam Almaarif Singosari for the Even Semester of the Academic Year 2022/2023. The research was conducted from February 27 to April 20, 2023.

The determination of subjects was done by purposive sampling based on: (1) students' availability to actively participate during the research period; (2) the diversity of students' understanding of geography concepts; and (3) having been involved in learning by using learning techniques that utilize information technology, which is relevant to the research focus.

Social Science group X-1 (Female: 17, Male: 13) was the experimental group was treated with the gamification-assisted Double-Loop Spatial Learning model, and Social Science group X-2 (Female: 15, Male: 15) was the control group received instructional learning and conventional media.

Students' critical thinking abilities were measured using an objective test instrument in a multiple-choice format. This instrument comprised 10 questions based on six predetermined indicators of critical thinking ability, the details of which are illustrated in Table 2. These questions were designed to comprehensively measure the cognitive aspects of students and are in accordance with the prevailing principles of learning evaluation.

Instead, an open-ended questionnaire with six questions was used to measure environmental decision-making ability. As shown in Table 3, indicators by Mincemoyer & Perkins were used as the basis for the construction of these questions.

The validation and reliability testing were conducted using statistical methods appropriate for ensuring that the instruments employed possess dependable validity (Pearson or Spearman) and reliability (Cronbach's Alpha). This statistical analysis declared that the instrument for critical thinking ability had a validity value of 0.361 and a reliability of 0.705, both falling within the high category. As for the environmental decision-making instrument, the validity value was 0.254 and the reliability was 0.703, which are also considered high.

A threshold value of 0.70 or higher typically denotes a commendable instrument; however, it is contingent upon the subject of research, and in some cases, lower values may be deemed acceptable.

To meet the requirements of rigorous statistical analysis, this study analyzed the data through two important stages. First, a normality test using Shapiro-Wilk, which was chosen due to the small sample size. The normality test results indicated a Sig. value of 0.077 for the experimental group in critical thinking ability, 0.094 for the control group in the same variable, 0.112 for the experimental group in environmental decision making, and 0.118 for the control group in the same variable, confirming the normal distribution of data.

Subsequently, the homogeneity of variance was tested using Levene's Test for its capacity to effectively test for variance homogeneity without considering the normal distribution of data. The specific Sig. value for the homogeneity of the experimental group in critical thinking ability was 0.082, while for the environmental decision making variable it was 0.297, as detailed in Table 4.

Assuming the fulfillment of criteria for normal distribution and homogeneity of variance, the subsequent procedure was the testing of comparative hypotheses. An Independent Sample t-Test was applied to assess the impact of the Double-Loop Spatial Learning model integrated with gamification on critical thinking abilities and environmental decision making. This test compared the mean posttest scores between the experimental and control groups to identify any statistically significant differences, indicative of the intervention's effectiveness.


Research Finding on Problem Question I

In answering the question posed by the first research question (RQ 1), hypothesis testing is required to determine the acceptance or rejection of the null hypothesis (H0). The difference in mean scores between the experimental and control groups at the time of the post-test was examined using an independent samples t-test. The results are depicted in Tables 4 and 5 below.

Based on Table 5, students taught with the Double-Loop Spatial Learning model exhibited higher mean scores in the experimental group for critical thinking ability posttests compared to the control group.

Referencing Table 6, the results of the independent t-test reveal that the hypothesis test is significant with 0.000<0.05, indicating a significant difference. This data suggests that the Double-Loop Spatial Learning model, assisted by gamification, has an impact on critical thinking abilities. Therefore, the null hypothesis H0is rejected.

Research Finding on Problem Question II

Regarding the second research question (RQ 2), which inquires about the impact of the Double-Loop Spatial Learning model on environmental decision-making in geography education, the details can be observed in Table 7.

Based on Table 7, an average difference of approximately 5 between the experimental and control groups signifies a higher mean score for the experimental class, indicating that the Double-Loop Spatial Learning model effectively enhances environmental decision-making skills within the context of hydrosphere studies.

Referencing Table 7, the results of the independent t-test reveal that the hypothesis test yielded a p-value of 0.001, which is less than the significance threshold of 0.05, thereby indicating a statistically significant difference. This data suggests that the Double-Loop Spatial Learning model exerts an influence on environmental decision-making. Consequently, the null hypothesis (H0) is rejected and the alternative hypothesis (H1) is accepted, confirming that the experimental intervention has a positive effect.


Geographic education is not merely a subject taught in schools but also serves as a vital conduit for environmental learning, acting as a catalyst in the development of attitudes, values, and environmental consciousness. This form of education equips students with the necessary knowledge and skills to engage in environmentally responsible actions [31]. In this context, innovative pedagogical models such as Double-Loop Spatial Learning (DLSL) are beginning to gain traction. The DLSL model, as conceptualized by [32], involves an iterative cycle in which students are actively engaged in discovering and analyzing spatial representations of environmental issues.

The DLSL model transcends traditional learning paradigms by fostering a profound and reflective process in which students not only absorb information about environmental phenomena but also critically evaluate and redesign solutions within realistic contexts [33]. This pedagogical approach is in line with the principles of experiential learning theory, which posits that learning is enhanced when students are involved in processes that allow them to reflect on their experiences and apply their knowledge to real-world scenarios.

The novelty of the Double-Loop Spatial Learning (DLSL) model lies in its recursive nature, allowing students to continuously revisit and refine their understanding of environmental issues. This iterative process represents a departure from linear educational models, enabling a more nuanced comprehension of the complexities inherent in environmental systems. [34] underscore the efficacy of this approach in stimulating cognitive skills, particularly in problem-solving and critical thinking, which are vital for addressing the multifaceted challenges of environmental sustainability.

The Double-Loop Spatial Learning with Gamification on Critical Thinking Skills

Our data analysis reveals a significant improvement in the average critical thinking ability scores of students in the experimental class compared to the control class, with an increase in mean scores of 10 points. This higher average score indicates that the integration of the Double-Loop Spatial Learning model with gamification elements contributes positively to the enhancement of students' critical thinking and environmental decision-making skills. The statistical validity of these findings is reinforced by an independent t-test yielding a p-value of less than 0.05, affirming that the differences observed are statistically significant and not due to chance.

The consistency of these findings with the existing theoretical framework suggests that the interactive and reflective learning, characteristic of the Double-Loop Spatial Learning model, facilitates the enhancement of critical thinking skills [35]. The implemented learning syntax — encompassing observation, confirmation, representation, data processing, solution analysis, and conclusion — correlates directly with the cognitive processes involved in critical thinking as elucidated by Facione [36] [37].

Learning activities such as the representation of findings and the analysis of solutions enrich students' learning experiences by engaging them in the encoding and storage of spatial information and the construction of data visualizations, which explicitly support the development of critical thinking [38] and enhance problem-solving [39] [40].

The application of gamification through GimKit, and specifically the Snowbrawl mode, has demonstrated effectiveness in enhancing student engagement through competitive and reward-based mechanisms, which support increased motivation and participation in the learning process [41]. Although these activities are individual, elements such as leaderboards and point systems create a dynamic learning environment and encourage collaboration [42].

These findings underscore the importance of integrating technology into geography education and provide evidence that learning involving gamification can be an effective tool for engaging students in a broader learning context. The reproduction and application of this model across various educational settings will yield additional insights into how technology and innovative learning methods can be adapted to support the development of critical thinking competencies and environmental decision-making abilities among students.

The Double-Loop Spatial Learning Model's Impact on Environmental Decision-Making

The Double-Loop Spatial Learning (DLSL) model has proven effective in integrating critical thinking and problem-solving learning, providing students with the means to critically analyze environmental issues and select the most appropriate solutions [43]. Furthermore, this model invites students to reflect on and critique their problem-solving approaches by formulating and evaluating alternative solutions before making decisions [44]. This iterative process is vital for effective environmental decision-making.

To gain a better understanding of the effectiveness of DLSL in the context of environmental decision-making, we aligned the environmental decision-scoring outcomes with an assessment rubric that had been developed. This rubric includes indicators derived from research variables for each involved class. In Table 9 and Table 10, not presented here, we compare the scores per indicator between the experimental class, which employed the DLSL model, and the control class, which followed the standard curriculum.

The implementation of the Double-Loop Spatial Learning (DLSL) model has demonstrated a significant enhancement in students' environmental decision-making capabilities. This is evidenced by higher scores in the 'generate alternatives' indicator, signifying that students engaging with this learning model are more adept at identifying a range of potential solutions. They tend to be more effective and efficient in selecting the most relevant solutions to the environmental issues at hand. Conversely, lower scores on the 'evaluation' indicator suggest an opportunity for improvement in the students' ability to assess the sustainability and effectiveness of the chosen solutions. This underscores the need to strengthen the evaluative aspect of the DLSL model, which would enable students to not only generate alternatives but also understand the long-term consequences of their decisions on the environment.

The control class, with a more uniform distribution of scores, displayed moderate ability in selecting options from available alternatives. Nonetheless, they tended to be less competent in generating and evaluating a range of alternatives. This condition underlines the added value of DLSL in facilitating the development of these capabilities.

The geographical context of the research, centered on the Kali Metro Malang Watershed area, was chosen due to its relevance to the students' real-life experiences, which heightens engagement and enriches the learning context [45]. This relevance is anticipated to enhance student engagement and the applicability of their ndecision-making skills. The implications of these findings suggest that the contextualization of learning materials can strengthen the relevance and applicability of the knowledge and skills taught, particularly in environmental decision-making [46].


Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that in the context of inland water learning, critical thinking skills and environmental decision making are significantly affected by the application of the Double-Loop Spatial Learning model assisted by gamification. On analyzing the data, it clearly shows that this model helps to think critically and make decisions about the environment. By combining a deeper spatial understanding process and a framework that allows students to respond more thoughtfully to environmental challenges, this learning model is innovative. Therefore, this study adds to the literature on environmental learning and demonstrates that the gamification-assisted Double-Loop Spatial Learning model is beneficial for improving students' cognitive and decision-making abilities. These findings can be used to transform the curriculum with a focus on critical thinking and environmental decision-making.


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