Students' Perceptions of Part-Time Jobs And Organizational Activities Academic Performance In Students State University of Malang



students, part-time work, organizational activities, academic achievement


Academic achievement is something that students dream of because it is considered to provide more value when entering the world of work. In addition, they, at the same time, also do other activities such as working or organizing. Thus, time management between lectures and other activities becomes a problem for students. This study aims to examine students' perceptions of the relationship between part-time jobs, organizational activities, and academic achievement. Quantitative approach with explanatory type is used in this study. Data in this study were collected through questionnaires and google form. Using multiple linear regression test, this study found that part-time job and organizational activities positively and significantly affect academic achievement. The more active students are in activities other than lectures, especially participating in organizational activities or working part-time, the higher their achievement.


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Academic Achievement is a measure of student success in lectures. Academic Achievement can also be interpreted as the result of actions taken during lecture learning (Manurung, 2017). Academic Achievement is the ability achieved and developed in certain subjects, usually determined by test scores. Marbun (2018) says that academic Achievement is the result obtained from the impression during college of changes in a person due to learning activities in the form or value. also explained that the factors that determine academic Achievement are internal and external factors. Internal factors include physiological factors and psychological factors. At the same time, external factors include aspects of the community environment, the school environment; and the family environment. An economically disadvantaged family environment and high tuition fees make students look for other ways to continue their education. One of them, as a side, students work part-time to meet their needs.

Part-time jobs are becoming a trend among students (Rufaida, 2017). The purpose of part-time job is usually to meet life's increasing needs, such as buying books, daily necessities, and other activities. In addition, there are also Part-time jobs for students because they only fill their free time and add work experience that might be useful to their future in the real world of work. The advantage gained by students who conduct lectures while working is to arrange the time not to disturb lecture hours (Rufaida, 2017). However, according to Rice & Dolgin (2008), going to college and working simultaneously is negative if it is done in large doses and does not provide space between one's work and other activities. In addition, studying and working at the same time will be positive when done in small doses because too much work becomes a high risk for students. Thus, working while studying has both negative and positive impacts, depending on their ability to manage time. Apart from filling their time by working part time, students can also pursue their talents through various activities on campus such as student organizations and activity units.

Student organizations also have a role in developing the talents and interests of students. In addition, student organizations are an important support activity in completing academic Achievement (Qayyum et al., 2019). Various things and new knowledge that have never been obtained in everyday life or lectures will be obtained. Interacting and communicating with the community is an effort to develop students' speaking skills with individuals and groups. These activities are rarely found in classrooms. With the activities held by student organizations, it is hoped that it will become an asset for students to add to their skills and sharpen them. Joining the organization does not mean ignoring academic activities which are the main goal. Organizational activities be directed to broaden students' insights and academic achievements further. However, many students who join student organizations are less than optimal academically. So, few of them do not finish their studies on time (Damayanti, 2014).

Based on empirical research that has been done, part -time jobs harm student academic achievement because it is difficult to divide study time with work (Yahya & Widjaja, 2019). However, Linggasari & Kurniawan (2020) found that working part-time positively and significantly impacts academic Achievement. Meanwhile, Syafillah & Ishak (2018) argue that studying while working does not really have an impact on student academic results. However, it all depends on the student who is going through it. Being a part-time job student does not interfere with lectures or academic results as long as students can make good use of their time according to their own needs (Ekoputro, 2018). Furthermore, Putra (2017) found that working part-time negatively impacted lectures, including irregular study time, which then impacted Academic Achievement.

Meanwhile, Sari (2017) said that organizational activities have no relationship with student learning achievement because the organization is a place for those who want to develop soft skills. Fauzi et al. (2020) also said that being active in organizations does not impact student academic achievement and positively impacts the development of leadership, critical, creative and innovative thinking. Learning achievement has factors such as family and student length of study. Meanwhile, Kabiba et al. (2021) found that organizational activities negatively impact academic Achievement due to lack of time management and learning styles.

Previous research only focused on one of the indicators in the study, namely joining an organization or only working part-time and its effect on student academic achievement. Meanwhile, this study examines two variables: working part-time and joining an organization on academic Achievement. In addition, the findings of several previous studies have not been consistent concerning the relationship between part-time jobs and organizational activities on learning outcomes. Thus, this study wants to confirm the connection or influence between part-time jobs and organizational activities on academic Achievement in students of Malang State University.


This research uses a quantitative approach with an explanatory type. This approach chosen because it wanted to test the proposed hypothesis and to be able to explain the relationship between the independent variables and the dependent variable in the hypothesis. State University of Malang was chosen as the research location because it was considered suitable in studying the perceptions of the impact of part-time jobs and organizational activities on student academic Achievement. Many students are actively involved in campus internal and external organizations. In addition, the city of Malang also supports students to do part-time jobs because there are many business places such as cafes, restaurants, vape stores, and others.

This research has a population of students at the State University of Malang class of 2019-2021. The reason for selecting the population is because students in that semester are still active in lectures, participating in organizations, or working a part-time job. The total population in this study was 20,846 students at the State University of Malang. The sample is determined based on stratified random sampling, which is a sampling technique by looking at the proportions of the sample used (Sugiyono, 2017). Determination of the number of samples in this study was carried out using the slovin formula as follows:

Based on the calculations above, if the value of n is rounded, are 392 samples used in this study. The number of respondents is considered to be representative of obtaining research data. Samples were taken using proportionate stratified random sampling shown in the formula in the following table:

Based on the calculations in table 1, the results show that the 2019 class required 118 respondents, the 2020 class required 122 and 152 respondents in 2021. If totaled, the results will be obtained from 392 respondents from various generations. Questionnaires are used to collect data regarding the impact of Part-time jobs and organizational activities on academic Achievement. The questionnaires were distributed through the Google Form media with a sample of Malang State University students.



Characteristics of Respondents

Based on the research conducted, several characteristics of the respondents are determined based on research needs consisting of gender, class, faculty, and organization attended. The characteristics of the respondents can be seen as follows in Table 2 as follows:

Table 2 shows that women dominated respondents with a total of 71% (n = 279 respondents). Meanwhile, men amounted to 29% (n = 113 respondents). Furthermore, based on class, respondents came from class 2019, namely 30% (n = 188 respondents), and class 2020 amounted to 31% (n = 122 respondents). Meanwhile, the 2021 class is 39% (n = 152 respondents). Thus, the batch of respondents is dominated by the class of 2021. Meanwhile, most of the faculties of the respondents are at the Faculty of Social Sciences, namely 22% (n = 88 respondents) and the rest are spread across various other faculties with a percentage below 17%. Meanwhile, most respondents had participated in organizations either on campus or off campus (89%), only 11% of the total respondents had not participated in organizations or other activities.

Instrument Test

This instrument trial aims to measure whether the questionnaire used is appropriate for this study. The instrument test in this study used a validity test and a reliability test.

Validity and Reliability Test Results

Validity test is used to show whether the instruments used in the research are valid or not. Instrument items can be declared valid if the R count exceeds the R table (Ghozali, 2013). Based on the tests that have been carried out, the overall value of the items in the instrument is declared valid because all items exceed or have fulfilled the conditions, namely the smallest item value is 0.603, this value is greater than the R table of 0.113 assuming a margin of error of 5% and the number of respondents is equal to 300 (See attachment 1). Thus, the instrument can be declared valid.

The reliability test was carried out to measure the extent to which the instruments used in the study were consistent. The instrument is declared reliable, if it has a Cronbach's Alpha value of more than 0.60. The results of the reliability test in this study can be seen in Table 3 as follows:

Based on the reliability test that has been carried out, the results show that the Cronbach's Alpha value is 0.844. This value is greater than the value of 0.60. Thus, the instrument in this study is said to be reliable. The Cronbach's Alpha value of 0.844 can also be interpreted that the instrument has a high level of reliability (Ghozali, 2018).

Classic Assumption Test

The classical assumption test is a prerequisite test that must be fulfilled in multiple linear regression. This test is conducted to assess whether there are problems in the classical assumptions or not.

Normality Test Results

The normality test is used to determine whether the data or variables used are normally distributed or not. The normality test uses the Scatter Plot technique. The data will be normal if the points' distribution tends to be between the diagonal lines (Ghozali, 2013). Complete normality test results can be seen in Figure 1 as follows:

Based on the tests that have been carried out, it appears that the points tend to follow the direction of the diagonal line. Therefore, the data used has the characteristics of a normal distribution.

Multicollinearity Test Results

The multicollinearity test is intended to determine whether there is a high or nearly perfect correlation between the independent and dependent variables. The multicollinearity test tests the Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) value (Ghozali, 2013). If it has a VIF value less than 10.00, it can be concluded that there is no multicollinearity. Table 4 shows the results of the multicollinearity test as follows:

Table 4 is the result of multicollinearity testing. The test results show that the VIF value is 1.089 for each variable. Thus, it can be concluded that there is no multicollinearity where the VIF value of 1.089 is smaller than 10.00.

Heteroscedasticity Test Results

The heteroscedasticity test is used to observe the dissimilarity between variants in the same observations for each dependent variable in the regression test. This test uses the Glejser test with decision criteria if the sig value is more than 0.05 then there are no symptoms of heteroscedasticity (Ghozali, 2013). Table 5 is a presentation of data from the heteroscedasticity test.

Interpretation of Table 5 shows that the Sig value for the Part-time job variable is 0.578 and organizational activity is 0.330. So, the decision making in the Glejser test is concluded that there is no heteroscedasticity because the sig value is greater than 0.05.

Linearity Test Results

Linearity testing is carried out to see a linear and significant relationship between 2 or more variables. Linearity test is done by looking at the linearity value in the ANOVA table. The decision taken in this test is that if the sig value for linearity is less than 0.05, linearity occurs between variables (Ghozali, 2013). The test results can be seen in table 6.

Based on the tests that have been carried out, table 6 shows that the sig linearity value is 0.000. Thus, the sig linearity value of 0.000 is less than 0.05. Thus, these results have the interpretation that each variable has a linear and significant relationship.

Hypothesis T esting

Hypothesis Test (Partial Test)

Multiple linear regression tests were carried out to determine the relationship between the independent and dependent variables. This regression test is done by looking at the sig value. A variable can be said to have a relationship if the sig value is less than 0.005. The results of the regression test are in Table 7.

Based on Table 7 it is known that the sig value of the Part-time job variable is 0.000 and organizational activity is 0.027, which is less than 0.05. Thus, the effect of Part-time jobs and organizational activities on academic Achievement is partially significant. Therefore, it can be concluded that H1 (there is a positive and significant influence between Part-time jobs on the academic Achievement of Malang State University students) and H2 is accepted (there is a positive and significant influence between organizational activities on the academic Achievement of Malang State University students).

The coefficient of the finding variable equation is constant and positive at (19.508). Meanwhile, it is 0.279 (27%) for the part-time job variable and 0.056 (5.6%) for the organizational activities variable. Based on these findings, it can be said that every one unit increase in part-time job correlates with a 0.279 unit increase in academic achievement. The increase is influenced by their high motivation, not only to fulfill their needs, but also to complete their studies. Meanwhile, it shows that every one-unit increase in organizational activities correlates with a 0.056 unit increase in academic performance. The effect of the increase is caused by being able to think critically which is honed in the organization and then used in lectures. Thus, there is a positive relationship between the variables of part-time job, organizational activities, and academic performance.

Hypothesis Test (Simultaneous Test)

Simultaneous multiple linear regression tests are carried out to determine how strongly the independent variables affect the dependent variable. This test was carried out to answer the hypothesis made with the criteria that if the sig value is less than 0.05 then the hypothesis can be accepted (Ghozali, 2013). The test results can be seen in table 8.

Table 8 shows that the sig value is 0.000 which is smaller than 0.05. Therefore, H3 (there is a positive and significant influence between Part-time jobs and also organizational activities on the academic Achievement of Malang State University students.) is acceptable, meaning that there is a positive and significant relationship between part-time job and organizational activities with academic Achievement.

Coefficient of Determination (R 2 )

The coefficient of determination was carried out to see the magnitude of the positive and significant influence between the variables part-time job (X1), organizational activity (X2) on academic achievement (Y). The coefficient is seen from the rs quare value in table 9.

Table 8 states that the value of r square of 0.084 or 8.4 %. It is concluded that Part-time jobs and organizational activities have a big influence 8.4 %% of student academic achievement. Meanwhile, 91.6% is influenced by other variables that are not used in this study such as motivation, parental encouragement, learning environment, learning style and others. Thus, because the value of r square is less than 50%, it can be assumed that the variable part-time job, organizational activity in explaining academic Achievement is weak and cannot be used as a prediction scale.

Variable Effective Contribution

Effective contribution aims to determine the contribution of the independent variable to the dependent variable. The effective contribution is made by adding the regression and correlation coefficients and multiplying them by 100%. The results of the effective contribution are shown in table 10.

Table 10 shows that Part-time jobs get a value of 5.9% and organizational activities of 2.5%. It is concluded that the variable X1 (part-time job) has an effect of 5.9% on academic Achievement and shows that part-time job has the most significant effect. Meanwhile X2 (organizational activity) has an influence of 2.5% on academic Achievement and makes a small contribution. Thus, if the total effective contribution of the variables is totaled, it will be in accordance with the test results of the coefficient of determination of 8.4%.


Part-time Job a nd Academic Achievement

This study found that Part-time jobs positively and significantly impact academic Achievement. Thus, the higher the intensity of student work, the wider their experience and this can support them in lectures. Students who do Part-time jobs, in general, are also driven by the poor economic conditions of their parents and high tuition fees. Thus, they have high motivation, in addition to meeting the necessities of life, and also to complete their studies. In addition, students also do Part-time jobs based on personal needs such as improving soft skills and having extensive relationships.

Meanwhile, part-time jobs be done with flexible working hours. Therefore, part-time jobs do not interfere with student academic achievement. The positive thing that students can take is to apply knowledge during lectures at their place of work or vice versa. Not only that, they can also apply the knowledge gained from doing Part-time jobs when they graduate.

According to Restu (2020) the limited economic conditions of students' parents can be a driving force or motivator for them to work part-time. Students do Part-time jobs sometimes to fulfill their lifestyle such as clothing, entertainment, electronics and so on. Hipjillah (2015) confirms that students who do Part-time jobs are usually also encouraged to develop soft skills to prepare them for the world of work. However, even though Part-time jobs have flexible working hours, good time management is still needed in their implementation so as not to interfere with academic activities (Zahara, 2019).

These findings support the research of Syafillah et al. (2018) which indicates that Part-time jobs carried out by students tend to be driven by the economic conditions of underprivileged families. Students also do Part-time jobs based on personal needs such as honing skills and adding experience for future work (Hipjillah, 2015; Rufaida, 2017). Then, for final students, Part-time jobs can fill their free time while working on their thesis. In addition, lifestyle needs are often one of the factors that influence students to take Part-time jobs. Part-time jobs positively affect academic Achievement, one of which is due to flexible working hours and not too disruptive to college time (Mardelina & Muhson, 2017; Zahara, 2019). Yusra (2017) revealed that students who work while studying will gain more life experience and manage their finances. However, the findings of this study contradict the findings of Inayah et al. (2023) and Putra (2017) which state that there is a negative effect of Part-time jobs on academic Achievement such as a decrease in student achievement index. This is because students often feel tired after work so they forget about the coursework given.

Organizational activity and academic Achievement

From this study it can be seen that organizational activities have a significant influence on academic Achievement. This can be interpreted that the higher the activity of students outside of lectures, the higher their chances of academic success. Students who are members of organizations tend to be active in organizational meeting activities and other organizational activities. In addition, they also have a strong commitment and are ready to be given a mandate in the organization they join. One example is by actively providing advice, having high commitment and loyalty to the organization. This is because the organization and the lectures have a mutually beneficial relationship. One example is that students can think critically which is honed in the organization and then used in lectures. Thus, it can be concluded that students who organize are not an obstacle for students to still be able to excel academically.

Munir (2010) said that being active in organizations provides changes in insights, ways of thinking, socialization, leadership and leadership management which are not taught in the curriculum in universities. Meanwhile, Alfira et al. (2023) state that if students continue to hone an ability or knowledge, it will positively influence student academic activities. Students who are active in organizations have soft-skill maturity, practice cooperation, express their ideas and thoughts in class and speak skills so they can socialize well (Alfira & Sulistiawati, 2023; R. Sari & Syofyan, 2021). This has a positive impact on academic activities carried out by students as a form of self-actualization. Thus, organizational activities carried out by students will indirectly provide experience that is used to support academic Achievement.

This study strengthens the findings of Fauzi et al. (2020b) who found that organizational activities in students did not really interfere with academic Achievement, but instead supported them. This is because students who are members of an organization can foster a spirit of leadership, think creatively and critically in giving opinions in class. Students are also more active in providing opinions and suggestions in their organizational discussions (Efendi, 2017; Hidayah, 2013). Thus, the organization has a positive impact in honing the mindset of students outside of lectures. In addition, student organizations also form a spirit of concern for the surrounding environment.

Meanwhile, Damayanti (2014) said that students who organize can manage lecture time and other activities. Therefore, they are able to direct themselves optimally by doing lecture assignments. However, there is also a negative side from the organization on academic Achievement, namely the lack of time management, learning style, unsupportive environment, and association (Darim, 2020; Kabiba et al., 2021; MB Munir & Herianto, 2020). Therefore, students need to have good self-control and be able to distinguish which are good things that can support them in development and which are bad things that can be obstacles. So, they can still excel academically.

Part-time Jobs, Organizational Activities, Academic Achievements

Simultaneously, part-time jobs and organizational activities have a positive and significant relationship with academic Achievement. This means that activities outside of academics can be a driving force for students to excel academically. Students who are actively working or who are members of organizations, must be able to divide their time well such as working, organizing, and studying. For example, students often ask assignments to their friends if they don't come to class and are rarely late in submitting assignments. Apart from that, they are also mentally better, they are more daring to ask questions in class, or give arguments during group discussions or class discussions. Therefore, the grade point average they have tends to be above the value of 3.00 in each semester.

According to Manurung (2017) students are aware that lectures are important so they try their best to balance lecture activities with other activities outside of lectures. Meanwhile, Restu (2020) said that the GPA scores of students who do Part-time jobs or organizational activities have scores above 3.00. In addition, students also prioritize academic activities over other activities (Oktaviyani et al., 2019). Students are aware of their primary task as students to achieve academic Achievement because academic Achievement is needed for provision for their future. This finding is in accordance with Coleman's theory of rational choice that the choice of activities outside of lectures, whether working or being active in organizations, is a logical choice for them to do. This rational choice is based on action in meeting the necessities of life and awareness in self-development within the organization, and making all of these activities support academic activities in lectures (Elastia, 2020). Thus, students joining organizations and Part-time jobs have considered the benefits and risks they have.

This finding is in line with research conducted by Syifah (2017) which explains that student academic achievement is not only measured by the results obtained in the form of GPA, but also by the process of achieving the GPA for each semester. In addition, intelligence possessed by students, self-motivation, and friends or the environment are also supporting factors that can help students excel academically. Students who do two activities tend to prefer studying in class and attending lectures. Apart from that, Hardiansah (2019) explains that they are also disciplined in submitting assignments which has an impact on their GPA. Susanti (2019) said that academic Achievement is not only measured by academic grades, but also by non-academic values such as in the arts, sports and other skills. In addition, students can also apply the knowledge they get in lectures and other activities in their daily activities. However, besides that there are also obstacles for students to achieve academic Achievement such as lack of learning motivation, learning independence, and lack of confidence in their potential (Berek et al., 2023; Elastia & Hasmira, 2020; Kurniawan et al., 2022; Saufi et al., 2022).


Part-time jobs and organizational activities positively and significantly affect academic Achievement both partially and simultaneously. This means that students who work part-time and those who are in organizations can have academic achievements, or even those who simultaneously work part-time and in organizations can still achieve academically. In other words, the more activities students carry out, the more experience and knowledge they use in class that can support their achievements. Students can also develop their soft skills through part-time and organizational job activities. Thus, the higher the students' activities such as doing Part-time jobs and organizing, the better the academic Achievement they will get. This research has limitations on the respondents used, namely the class (2019-2021), so it is difficult to distribute the questionnaire. This research is also only focused on the scope of State University of Malang. Students who are currently only active in lectures can try to be active in organizations or Part-time jobs. This will provide a better experience for students. For future researchers, they can examine what factors support the academic Achievement of students who take part in organizations or Part-time jobs with a larger population.


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