Peer Review Process

All papers for publishing in JRAMathEdu (Journal of Research and Advances in Mathematics Education) are fully peer-reviewed. We only publish articles that have been reviewed and approved by highly qualified researchers with expertise in a field appropriate for the article. We used a double-blind peer-reviewing process. Detailed information about the flow for the manuscript submission (author) to the acceptance by the editor is shown in the following figure.

The description of the review process flow is as follows:

  1. Authors submit the manuscript through an online journal system.
  2. The Editor-in-Chief (EIC) will check the feasibility of the topic for possible publication. The suitable manuscript will be submitted to the editors for further processing, whereas the unsuitable manuscript will be rejected.
  3. The Editor will check the completeness of the provisionally accepted manuscript based on the guideline for authors, adherence to the journal's template, adequacy of references, originality (check on potential plagiarism issues), and accuracy of language. The manuscript that meets the journal format and requirements will be forwarded to a minimum of two international reviewers under a double-blind process. The manuscript that did not meet the requirements will be sent back to the author(s) for revision. 
  4. The manuscript will be reviewed by at least two international experts. 
  5. The EIC/Editors will notify the author that the manuscript may be published without revision, sent back to the author(s) to perform minor revisions or major revision, or may also be rejected based on reviewers' comments. For a minor revision, the author(s) are requested to submit the final version of the manuscript with the required changes. For a major revision, a final version of the manuscript will be resubmitted to the peer-reviewers for re-evaluation. In this case, the peer-review process begins anew (second round review). The EIC/Editors approve the manuscript for publication if no further changes are necessary.
  6. The accepted manuscript will be forwarded by Editors to the production division for editing, layout, and other requirements for publishing. The final version will be sent to the author(s) for proofreading. The manuscript will be published online as soon as no more changes needed and have been approved by the author.

The editor and reviewer will not disclose any information about a submitted manuscript to anyone who is not concerned during the review process.