QiST Call for Papers


Dear Professors and Doctors

Assalamualaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

An Invitation to publish your research with QiST: Journal of Quran and Tafseer Studies

We are seeking research/ review articles, short notes, letters to editors, and case studies for our issue with an editorial focus on topics and Interdisciplinary studies of the Qur'an.

 QiST: Journal of Quran and Tafseer Studies is a peer-reviewed journal that aims to provide a balance between theory and practice of Al-Qur'an Interpretation from various approaches. Written in English and Arabic as well this Journal bridges the gap between Classical Interpretation and Contemporary Interpretation, The Journal's contents discuss various Matters related to the Qur'anic interpretations... The website is https://journals2.ums.ac.id/index.php/qist

We invite you to join our editorial board member/Reviewer board member by sending your Curriculum Vitae (CV), including your Google Scholar URL and Scopus URL to this email.

We hope we will receive your application soon. Thank you.

Mail the article to:  qist@ums.ac.id or an140@ums.ac.id

Direct submission:   http://journals2.ums.ac.id/index.php/qist


You will benefit from:

1)      Open Access – articles are freely available online

2)      Immediate publication of acceptance

3)      Our journal is an Online journal that provides International Exposure to Researchers.

4)   All articles are immediately uploaded to the many indexing services like Google Scholar, Scopus Indexed etc. (Many more). 

Best Regards

Qist Journal of Quran and Tafseer Studies

ISSN: 2828-2779 (Online)

Editorial Office 
