Focus and Scope

QiST: Journal of Quran and Tafseer Studies focuses on the study of Muhammadiyah interpretation both developed by Muhammadiyah institutions and by individuals related to the organization. Here is a breakdown of focus and scope that can cover both aspects:

Focus and Scope:

  1. Study of Tafsir of Muhammadiyah Institution:
    • Methodology and Approach: To examine the methods and approach used by Muhammadiyah institutions in interpreting the Quran and how the methodology differs or synergizes with other interpretations.
    • Contemporary Themes and Issues: An analysis of how Muhammadiyah's interpretation handles contemporary issues such as democracy, human rights, gender equality, and other social problems.
    • Interaction with Other Interpretations: Examining how Muhammadiyah tafsir interacts with other interpretations, both from within and outside the country, as well as the mutual influence that occurs.
    • Social and Cultural Influence: An analysis of the social and cultural impact of Muhammadiyah's interpretation on society, including how this interpretation affects the religious views and practices of the wider community.
    • Critical Evaluation: Providing space for critical evaluation of Muhammadiyah interpretations, both institutional and individual, to improve the quality and relevance of these interpretations.
    • History and Development: To examine the history of the formation of Muhammadiyah interpretation by institutions, including the main figures involved, as well as the evolution of thought and interpretation methods used.
  2. Study of Individual Interpretation Related to Muhammadiyah:
    • Thoughts and Innovations: An analysis of the ideas and innovations introduced by these individuals in the field of interpretation, as well as how these innovations affect religious views and practices in Muhammadiyah.
    • Academic Contribution: Research on the academic contributions made by Muhammadiyah individuals in the interpretation of the Quran, including publications, conferences, and teaching in Muhammadiyah educational institutions.
    • Interdisciplinary Dialogue: Promoting interdisciplinary dialogue involving Muhammadiyah's interpretation with other fields of science such as sociology, anthropology, politics, and environmental science.
    • Practical Implementation: Provides a study on how Muhammadiyah interpretation can be implemented in the practical life of Muslims, as well as evaluating the effectiveness of the implementation.
    • Biographies and Works: The study of individual figures in Muhammadiyah who contributed to the field of tafsir, including biographies, major works, and their influence on the development of tafsir in the organization.