Focus and Scope

QiST: Journal of Quran and Tafseer Studies focuses on the fusion of two aspects of reasoning, namely Bayani and Burhani. Bayani reasoning is one of the methods or approaches in understanding and interpreting the Qur'an that focuses on linguistic, rhetorical, and grammatical aspects of Arabic. while Burhani reasoning is a method or approach in understanding and interpreting the Qur'an that focuses on the use of logic, reason, and rational arguments. These two aspects combine into one goal, which is to interpret the Qur'an. Here is a breakdown of focus and scope that can cover both aspects:

Focus and Scope:

  1. Exegesis in the Context of Science and Technology:
    • Analysis of Quranic verses related to modern science and technology.
    • Scientific exegesis linking scientific discoveries with Quranic verses.
  2. Exegesis in the Context of Environment and Ecology:
    • Study of Quranic verses concerning nature conservation and ecology.
    • Exegesis supporting environmental movements and sustainability.
  3. Exegesis from a Human Rights Perspective:
    • Analysis of Quranic verses that support or challenge human rights concepts.
    • Exegesis in the context of minority rights, religious freedom, and social justice.
    • Interpretation of verses supporting interfaith dialogue and tolerance.
    • Exegesis recognizing diversity and peaceful coexistence among various religions
  4. Exegesis in the Context of Digital Technology and Social Media:
    • Use of digital technology to disseminate Quranic exegesis.
    • Analysis of how social media influences the understanding and interpretation of the Quran.
  5. Exegesis and Gender Studies:
    • Study of verses related to the roles and rights of women in Islam.
    • Feminist Quranic exegesis and its contributions to gender equality.
  6. Exegesis in the Context of Psychology and Mental Health:
    • Analysis of Quranic verses related to mental health and psychological well-being.
    • Exegesis approaches that support therapy and counseling based on Islamic values.
  7. Exegesis in the Context of Economics and Social Justice:
    • Study of verses related to Islamic economic principles such as zakat, riba, and trade.
    • Exegesis supporting economic models that promote justice and inclusivity.
  8. Exegesis in the Context of Culture and Customs:
    • Analysis of how Quranic exegesis is influenced by local cultural and customary contexts.
    • Comparative studies of exegesis across different Islamic cultures and traditions.
  9. Exegesis in the Context of Law and Sustainability
    • Islamic Environmental Ethics: Exploring the ethical principles derived from the Quran and Sunnah that promote sustainability, such as justice, balance (mizan), and moderation (wasatiyyah).
    • Quranic Emphasis on Social Justice: Studying Quranic teachings that advocate for social equity, fair distribution of resources, and the protection of the poor and vulnerable.
    • Development of a legal and policy framework that promotes a just, equal and sustainable world based on the Qur'an and Sunnah Maqbullah.
  10. Exegesis in the Context of Geopolitics:
    • Analysis of Quranic verses related to modern geopolitical issues.
    • Exegesis highlighting Islam's role in global politics and international relations.