
  • Sarwar Haidari Kingston University London
    United Kingdom




Quran tafsir, Islam, Theology, Consciousness, Enlightenment


This paper delves into the concept of consciousness as explored through the Qur'an, presenting a comprehensive philosophical inquiry into Islamic perspectives on the mind, self-awareness, and the nature of human understanding. Employing a hermeneutic approach to interpret Qur'anic verses, the study highlights the unique contributions of Islamic thought to the global discourse on consciousness. By juxtaposing Qur'anic teachings with contemporary philosophical and scientific theories of consciousness, this inquiry sheds light on the interplay between divine wisdom and human intellect in understanding the essence of consciousness. The research adopts a multidisciplinary methodology, integrating insights from Islamic theology, philosophy, psychology, and cognitive science to explore the Qur'anic conceptualization of consciousness. The analysis reveals that the Qur'an offers profound insights into the nature of consciousness, emphasizing its multifaceted dimensions, including self-awareness, perception, intentionality, and the soul's journey. Furthermore, the paper discusses the implications of the Qur'anic perspective on consciousness for ethical behavior, personal identity, and the pursuit of knowledge. It argues that the Qur'an advocates for a holistic understanding of consciousness that encompasses both physical and spiritual dimensions, encouraging a harmonious balance between material and transcendental aspects of human existence. The study concludes that exploring consciousness through the Qur'an enriches the philosophical inquiry into the nature of the mind and provides valuable ethical and spiritual insights. This interdisciplinary exploration contributes to bridging the gap between religious wisdom and contemporary scientific understanding, offering a nuanced perspective on one of human existence's most profound and complex phenomena.


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'Abd al-'Alī Bazārgān, Hurūf al-Maqta' www.masnavi.net








How to Cite

Haidari, S. (2024). EXPLORING CONSCIOUSNESS THROUGH THE QUR’AN: A PHILOSOPHICAL INQUIRY. QiST: Journal of Quran and Tafseer Studies, 3(2), 234–280. https://doi.org/10.23917/qist.v3i2.4525


