
  • Meriyati Meriyati Sekolah Tinggi Ekonomi dan Bisnis Syariah (STEBIS) Indo Global Mandiri Palembang
  • M. Nasyah Agus Saputra Universitas Qomaruddin Gresik
  • Imamul Arifin Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya
  • Maya Panorama UIN Raden Fatah Palembang
  • Mahmoud Saleh Mubarak Bin Humaid Al-Ahgaff University, Mukalla, Hadhramaut, Yemen



subsidized fertilizer, scarcity, necessities, maslahah, sharia


In addition to functioning to meet food needs, the agricultural sector also plays an important role, becoming a provider of employment and a source of income for regional communities. Unfortunately, almost every year this sector is faced with a scarcity of subsidized fertilizers and poorly controlled prices. The problem in this East OKU Belitang is the scarcity of subsidized fertilizers and price increases, as well as the purchasing system for both farmer cooperative members and independently, causing hardship for farmers. The method used is qualitative; fertilizer problems continue to occur, starting from a suboptimal planning and supervision system to a lack of realization of the allocation of fertilizer needs by farmers. The two main human needs that I conveyed above are basic needs that must be met to achieve a prosperous life. Although, of course, there are many other needs that humans have.

Meriyati 1 , M. Nasyah Agus Saputra 2 , Imamul Arifin 3 , Maya Panorama 4 , Mahmoud Saleh Mubarak Bin Humaid 5

1 Sekolah Tinggi Ekonomi dan Bisnis Syariah Indo Global Mandiri Palembang, Indonesia

2 Universitas Qomaruddin Gresik, Indonesia

3 Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia

4 UIN Raden Fatah Palembang, Indonesia

5 Al-Ahgaff University, Mukalla, Hadhramaut, Yemen


Bellitang is a sub-district in East Ogan Komering Ulu Regency, South Sumatra Province, Indonesia. The distance to the Belitang sub-district itself is about 185 km from the provincial capital, Palembang City. The Belitang sub-district has a thousand cities in Gunawang village. During the New Order era, Belitang was known as a rice producer; thousands of hectares of the Belitang area were all planted with rice. So at that time, Belitang became the rice barn for the province of South Sumatra; not only that, Belitang even became the national rice barn .

In terms of building agriculture, fertilizer is one of the most important and strategic elements to increase production and productivity, besides being an important part that is difficult to separate from the farming system. According to Hadi , fertilizer is one of the most important inputs for carrying out agricultural production processes. It is called that because without fertilizer, the use of other inputs such as superior seeds, water, and labour can only provide marginal benefits, reducing agricultural productivity activities and farmer income .

In the previous year, there was a shortage of fertilizer, which made the East OKU Regency Government alert in 2023. The OKU Timur Regent Lanosin (Enos) emphasized that his party was working hard so that the fertilizer shortage would not occur in 2023 or be minimized. The effort made by the government is to increase the fertilizer quota received by East OKU Regency compared to the previous year, said the Regent of Enos on Wednesday, January 11, 2023. "So the 2022 fertilizer quota was for 32 thousand, and it turned out to be insufficient for urea, and thank God in 2023, 53 thousand fertilizers will become urea", What is still a concern is the distribution of farmer cards that have not been able to absorb all of the fertilizer.

There is supervision from distributors to retailers to farmer groups that are still looking for a formula so that it can be distributed properly . Rice farmers in Indonesia are developing countries in all fields of industry and are also agricultural countries. Indonesia also has enormous natural resources, one of which is rice. The agricultural sector in Indonesia still ranks first in business, and among various categories of farmers, rice farmers have the greatest quantity because national rice production in 2013 reached 70,866,571 metric tons with a harvested area of 13,769,913 hectares. So the average national rice production is 5.14 tons per hectare .

The agricultural sector has proven to have an important role in the economic development of a nation. This is based on the contribution of the agricultural sector, which not only plays a role in the formation of GDP (gross domestic product) but also creates job opportunities, increases people's income, and is also a source of earning division. The biggest supporter of the national economy is the agricultural sector, which is also the dominant sector in absorbing existing labour in Indonesia . The increase in micro performance in the agricultural sector, both in the economic structure and business logistics, is not due to the factors that influence it; the increase in the subsidy budget from year to year can affect the relatively small FTT, whose different realizations cannot explain the significance of the effect of farmer exchange rates .

Literature Review

Previous studies on this research include those researched by Berliana Prilli Nomita and Imwadia Ramadhoni, entitled "Evaluation of the farmer card program in subsidized fertilizers distribution in Banyumas Regency, Central Java province" concluded that Banyumas Regency has implemented the Kartu Farmers since 2017 but have not fully paid subsidies Fertilizer. There is still tolerance from the Department of Agriculture and Food Security of Banyumas Districts for farmers who do not have a Farmer Card to can buy subsidized fertilizer without a card Farming. However, as of September 1, 2020, Banyumas Districts have made it mandatory to use Farmer Cards to subsidise fertilizer purchase transactions. It has been implemented to 100 per cent. Become a farmer who does not have a Farmer Card cannot buy subsidies for Fertilizer. Implementing the Farmer Card Program in Banyumas Regency is under the existing mechanism .

However, there are still some obstacles in implementation, both in terms of systems, farmers, KPL, and distributors, as well as third parties, namely BRI Bank. Many complaints about the Farmer Card enter the Banyumas Regency complaint hotline, But most of these complaints can be resolved. To optimize this program, the Department of Agriculture and Food Security Banyumas District strives to maximize the use of Farmer Cards by distributing and using Farmer Cards with the help of PPL officers in each district. However, its implementation in Banyumas The district is still focused on using 100 per cent of the Farmer Card and accelerating fertilizer absorption. Hopefully, The Kartu Tani in Banyumas Regency will Also use to sell agricultural products.

The next research was discussed by Suprianto, Putu Karismawan, and Sujadi, entitled Effectiveness of Subsidized Fertilizer Distribution from Distributors through Farmers' Kiosks to the Farmers' Level (Case Study in West Lombok District), in its conclusion stated that the analysis and discussion in the research About the effectiveness of subsidized fertilizer distribution in West Lombok District, obtained the following results: 1. Subsidized fertilizer distribution mechanism from Distributors to fertilizer retailers to farmer groups have implemented following five points, namely right place, right amount, right time, right type and right price. From the results of field studies, its implementation still does not fully refer to the guidelines for distributing subsidized fertilizers, such as quantities of fertilizers not following those in the DPRK because there are reductions in allocation from fertilizer producers. Likewise, most farmers receive prices above the highest Retail Price (HET) as farmers are charged transportation costs for distant farmers. 2, Effectiveness of subsidy distribution fertilizer in Narmada District and Gunungsari District district, West Lombok district, overall average percentage From the achievement rate is 69.24%, this shows that subsidized fertilizer distribution in West Lombok District is said to be quite effective .


The purpose of the writing, namely, to analyze community welfare in terms of maqashid values using a qualitative approach. According to Denzin and Lincoln, qualitative writing is an activity that places the writer in the world. Qualitative writing consists of a series of material interpretive practices that make the world visible . These practices transform the world into a series of representations that include field notes, interviews, conversations, photographs, recordings, and personal notes .

The purpose of the writing, namely, to analyze community welfare in terms of maqashid values using a qualitative approach. According to Denzin and Lincoln, qualitative writing is an activity that places the writer in the world. Qualitative writing consists of a series of material interpretive practices that make the world visible. These practices transform the world into a series of representations that include field notes, interviews, conversations, photographs, recordings, and personal notes .


Impact of Subsidized Fertilizer Scarcity

The problem of the scarcity of subsidized fertilizers for farmers is one of the problems that very often occurs both at the regional and national levels. According to Agus et al, the problem of subsidized fertilizer will affect production in the end because in fertilizing you must always pay attention to the 5 right things, namely: right type, right time, right dosage, the right method, and right form. The use of subsidized fertilizers must be considered to achieve effectiveness in the distribution of subsidized fertilizers. Marga Cinta Village, Belitang District, is one of the sub-districts in East OKU Regency that is experiencing a shortage of subsidized fertilizers .

The scarcity of subsidized fertilizers in East OKU is a serious concern for the local government to help farmers grow crops," said East OKU Regent Lanosin Hamzah in Martapura on Tuesday, July 26, 2022. According to Mr Suj (Farmers), one of the farmers in the villages of Marga Cinta and Karang Binangun, with a paddy field area of 4 hectares Experiencing a shortage of fertilizers at the end of each year, the types of fertilizers used are urea and SP 36 subsidized fertilizers. Fertilizer use per 1x harvest/per month: 2500 kg. According to Mr Bowo (Farmers), who has agricultural rice fields in Margacinta and Karang Binangun villages, with a rice field area of 2 hectares, he has experienced difficulties and a scarcity of subsidized fertilizers since 2020. With the types of NPK and UREA fertilizers, he uses fertilizer per harvest per month: 1600 kg per harvest .

Methods to Prevent Subsidized Fertilizer Scarcity

The implementation discourse was based on the recommendations of the Indonesian Parliament at the Joint Working Meeting of the Ministry of Agriculture on January 27, 2020. So that the implementation of farmer cards can be carried out effectively, fertilizer producers are now ensuring that all official fertilizer kiosks have become Complete Fertilizer Kiosks, which are ready to accept subsidized fertilizer redemption transactions using farmer cards. This includes coordinating with the bank responsible for the farmer card if there are Complete Fertilizer Kiosks that are not yet equipped with a debit machine. EDC Pupuk Indonesia Group will also coordinate with the Department of Agriculture and the bank responsible for the local bank if there are farmers who do not yet have a farmer card, even though they have been registered in the e-RDKK system .

The strength of the existing farmer cards means that the farmers who are included in the group can only absorb 44 thousand urea and around 32 thousand NPK," said the regent. The distribution of subsidized fertilizers can be more disciplined and accountable. Currently, to support the accelerated implementation of the Farmer Card, Pupuk Indonesia has also assigned producers to distribute subsidized fertilizer through the Farmer Card in areas that have implemented the Card effectively, covering 7 provinces, 30 regencies or cities, and 178 subdistricts. In addition, Pupuk Indonesia has also coordinated with the Association of State-Owned Banks (Himbara) to provide complete Pupuk Kiosk data as the database needed for applying for the Farmer Card

Maqasid Sharia Values

One of the main studies of the field of Usul Fiqh is on maqashid al-shari'ah, which explains the purpose for which the law was derived. This study focuses on the basic needs that must be owned by humans. These needs are primary, secondary and complementary needs, which Imam al-Ghazali refers to as dharury, hajy and tahsiny. Maqashid as-shari'ah is an attempt to "translate" the will of the lawmaker (Allah) and the reality of human life. In understanding the dynamics of Islamic law related to maqashid which contains worldly benefits and ukhrawi, essentially these two aspects are inseparable in Islamic law . Therefore, with the understanding of maqashid al-shari'ah, ijtihad can be developed, especially in dealing with various new problems that are not mentioned in the texts to answer legal problems that arise in society.

The scarcity of subsidized fertilizers in farming communities in East OKU is part of a new problem that needs to be given a solution. Maqasid Sharia is part of the Islamic worldview, which means this tasawur is a way of view, image or mental attitude towards everything based on Islamic values Maqasid Sharia in its ideal plan should also have implications for the economic behaviour of individual Muslims, both in their position as consumers and producers. All economic activities must lead to benefits.

In the context of the scarcity of subsidized fertilizers for farmers in East OKU, the theory of Maqasid Shari'ah can be applied to provide solutions.

Table 1. Solutions That Can Be Applied Based On The Views Of Sharia Maqasid

In the context of the Maqasid Shariaview, these solutions can help overcome the scarcity of subsidized fertilizers and improve the welfare of farmers in East OKU. The government, local governments, communities, and the private sector can work together to increase the capacity of farmers to become independent farmers and overcome the problem of subsidized fertilizer scarcity.

Welfare Concept for Society

According to Article 1 of Law Number 11 of 2009 concerning social welfare, social welfare is the condition of fulfilling the material, spiritual, and social needs of citizens so that they can develop themselves and carry out their social functions. From the above understanding, we can conclude that at least there are aspects that must be considered and fulfilled in realizing social welfare, namely material aspects (basic needs), spiritual aspects (divinity and religion), and social aspects (community) .

Maqasid Sharia has the goal of realizing the welfare of mankind in the world and the hereafter. So social welfare is the most important thing, as stated in verse an-Nisa: 9.

الَّذِيْنَ لَوْ تَرَكُوْا مِنْ خَلْفِهِمْ ذُرِّيَّةً ضِعٰفًا خَافُوْا وَلْيَخْشَ عَلَيْهِمْۖ فَلْيَتَّقُوا اللّٰهَ وَلْيَقُوْلُوْا قَوْلًا سَدِيْدًا

Meaning: And let fear of Allah be upon those who, if they leave weak offspring behind them, fear for their welfare. Therefore, let them fear Allah, and let them speak the right words.

According to the interpretation of Muyassar by the team of Mujamma' King Fahd directed by Shaykh al-Allamah Dr Salih bin Muhammad Alu ash-Shaikh, those who if they die and leave children weak after them should be afraid and worried that they will be wronged and wasted. Then they should fear Allah for the orphans and others for whom they are responsible. It is by guarding their property, educating them well, brushing off interference from them and they should speak words that are in line with goodness and justice. The correlation between this interpretation and this scientific work is the order to guard property and the prohibition to leave children in a state of destitution . In the context of the scarcity of subsidized fertilizers for East OKU farmers, it must be quickly handled because it will greatly disrupt the welfare of farmers and affected communities .

Therefore, Imam Syatibi stated that two things can be achieved by humans in their efforts to practice the Maqasid Sharia guidelines, namely, first, to fulfil the demands of shari'ah (taklif), namely, trying to carry out Allah's commands (awamir) and defending (ibqa') from destruction and adversity that will happen when you stay away from Allah's prohibitions (nawahi) contained in the shar’e . Furthermore, the emphasis of the Maqasid Sharia carried out by Imam Syatibi as a whole always refers to the content of the verses of the Koran, which in this case indicates that the reference law contains guaranteed welfare values because the Koran is kalamullah, whose validity is clear. Meanwhile, in the Qur'an, there is a term that has a meaning that is "relatively" close to social welfare, namely "maslahah". The word maslahah comes from the word "shaluha" which means "useful and appropriate", which is also the opposite of the word "fasada" (damaged). So, it can be interpreted that "maslahah" is a job that, if done, will benefit and can keep away from damage. So, social welfare means all efforts that encourage the creation of benefits for society .


To optimize the use of fertilizers, strategic steps are needed, such as determining the number and locations of fertilizer recipients, which were previously allocated for one year and need to be increased to two years. In principle, the need for fertilizer will not change; if there is a change nationally, it should not be significant. Because fertilizer is one of the basic needs for the community, and with the concept of maslahah in Islamic maqosid, it can be concluded that farmers must improve coordination among themselves, distributors can provide convenience in obtaining subsidized fertilizers, and farmers must also pay more attention to the dosage in the use of fertilizers to be able to reduce the impact of the scarcity of subsidized fertilizers that occurred in Marga Cinta Village, Belitang District


This research was funded by several partners who collaborated in this study, among them affiliated researchers at the Sekolah Tinggi Ekonomi dan Bisnis Syariah (STEBIS) Indo Global Mandiri Palembang, Indonesia; Universitas Qomaruddin Gresik, Indonesia; Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia; UIN Raden Fatah Palembang, Indonesia; Al-Ahgaff University Republik of Yemen, Yemen. We would like to thank all parties who have allowed conducting this research.

Author Contribution

All authors contributed equally to the main contributor to this paper, all authors read and approved the final paper, and all authors declare no conflict of interest.

Conflicts of Interest

All authors declare no conflict of interest.


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