Penerapan Model PBL Berbasis PPT Berbantuan Soal Cerita untuk Meningkatkan Minat dan Hasil Belajar Siswa


  • Trio Wusananto SMK Bhakti Praja Margasari, Tegal
  • Nuqthy Faiziyah Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, Surakarta
  • Eni Astuti Wahyuningsih SMP Negeri 1 Teras, Boyolali



PBL, Interest in Learning, Math Learning Results


This Classroom Action Research (CAR) aims to increase students' interest and learning outcomes in mathematics at SMK Bhakti Praja Margasari by applying problem-based learning (PBL) techniques. This research uses problem-based learning about story questions that other researchers have rarely done before. This research was conducted by adapting the Kemmis and McTaggart model into four stages: planning, implementation, observation, and consideration. A total of 32 students of class XAKL 1 SMK Bhakti Praja Margasai were used as the subjects of this study. Three tools were used to collect data: a questionnaire, an observation sheet, and a test. Learning outcomes data were analyzed quantitatively, while interest and practice data were analyzed qualitatively. The analysis showed that the students' interest in mathematics and their learning outcomes increased from the initial state. At the end of the second cycle, the PBL learning method met the objectives/ criteria for success. This means that 75% of students have reached the KKM. Students' interest in learning also meets the goals/criteria for indicators of success. This means that 78.13% of students are interested in learning in the "very high" category and 18.75% of students are interested in learning in the "high" category. Some conclusions from this CAR are: First, after a two-action cycle, the PBL method was proven to increase interest in learning and learning outcomes for students of class X AKLI 1 SMK Bhakti Praja Margasari. Second, the growth of student interest in learning is appreciated by the active role of students through the use of PBL. Third, presenting mathematical problems through narrative questions that are close to the context of students' daily lives, thus facilitating understanding of abstract mathematical concepts and increasing not only student interest but also learning outcomes. Fourth, the success of PBL implementation is highly dependent on the consistency of the teacher acting as a facilitator. The results of this study provide empirical evidence about the importance of planning, monitoring, and improving CAR-based learning.


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