Peningkatan Minat dan Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa SMK Menggunakan Model PBL


  • Mochammad Arifin SMK TKM Pertambangan Kebumen, Kebumen
  • Nuqthy Faiziyah Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, Surakarta
  • Eni Astuti Wahyuningsih SMP Negeri 1 Teras, Boyolali



PBL, Interest In Learning, Math Learning Results


This research is motivated by the interest in learning of SMK Taman Karya Madya Pertambangan Kebumen students which are classified as low criteria with an average of 37.5%. Meanwhile, students' mathematics learning outcomes are also still unsatisfactory, with no students who complete with an average score of 58.33. Based on the problems above with Power Point (PPT) media. in increasing interest and learning outcomes of mathematics in linear program material for students of Class X SMK Taman Karya Madya Pertambangan Kebumen. 12 children as subjects and carried. Showed that interest in learning increased from the pre-cycle results from the low category with an average of 37.5% to the medium category with an average of 63.02%. Furthermore, in the implementation in cycle 2, interest in learning again increased to the high category with an average of an average of 77.60%. Likewise, the percentage of students who completed the learning outcomes test increased from the pre-cycle results to an average of 58.33 to 73.75 and in the second cycle increased to 80.83. Likewise, the percentage of students who completed the mathematics learning outcomes test increased to 83.33%.


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