Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.- The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
- The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
- Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
- The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
- The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
Author Guidelines
Jurnal Jurisprudence is a scientific journal that contains the results of theoretical research and studies on law issues.
Jurnal Jurisprudence is used as a medium for communication, information and legal development in the form of studies in the field of law. The focus and scope of this journal is the ratio decidendi from developing countries. The legal reasoning of a judge's decision in court can be from the perspective of criminal, civil, commercial, customary, religious and state administration.
The papers is submitted in the journal can be written in English. Authors for whom English is not their native language are encouraged to have their paper checked before submission for grammar and clarity. The work should not have been published or submitted for publication elsewhere.
1. General Author Guidelines
All manuscripts must be submitted to Jurnal Jurisprudence Editorial Office using Online Submission at E-Journal portal address:, where author register as Author by online. If authors have any problems on the online submission, please contact Editorial Office at the following email: or
The following documents should accompany the manuscripts submitted by online through online submission interface (upload as supplementary files):
- Signed Copyright Transfer Agreement (CTA) form originally (scan the document after signed) [download the CTA form here]. If more than 1 author, then all authors must fill out a CV and CTA (one file) sent via email :
2. Manuscript Template
Manuscript should be prepared according to the following author guidelines, click here to download the PDF version article template.
Authors from Indonesia are advised to submit articles in Indonesian. After the review process is complete, it will be translated by an official translation agency that collaborates with the Jurisprudence journal. Translation costs will be charged at-cost.
If the manuscript is in English, it must be accompanied by a translation statement from an official translation agency so that the journal manager will not re-proofread the author's article and the author will not be charged additional fees for proofreading the article. If the dissertation is not with an official translation agency, the article will be proofread by an official translation agency that collaborates with the Jurisprudence journal. Proofreading costs will be charged at-cost.
3. Reviewing of manuscripts
Every submitted paper is independently reviewed by at least one peer-reviewers. The decision for publication, amendment, or rejection is based upon their reports/recommendation and made by Editor. If one or more reviewers consider a manuscript unsuitable for publication in this journal, a statement explaining the basis for the decision will be sent to the authors within three months of the submission date.
4. Revision of manuscripts
Manuscripts sent back to the authors for revision should be returned to the editor without delay. Revised manuscripts can be sent to editorial office through the Online Submission Interface ( The revised manuscripts returned later than two months will be considered as new submissions.
5. Graphical abstract
A Graphical abstract is mandatory for this journal. The graphical abstract should summarize the contents of the article in a concise, pictorial form designed to capture the attention of a wide readership online. Authors must provide images that clearly represent the work described in the article.
6. Editorial Office of Jurnal Jurisprudence
All correspondences should be sent to the following Editorial Office:
Dr. Nunik Nurhayati, S.H., M.H. (Editor in Chief)
Fakultas Hukum
Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta Jl. A. Yani, Pabelan, Kartasura, Surakarta 57162, Phone: (0271) 717417. 719483 Fax. 715448
Email: or
7. Guideline for Online Submission
Author should first register as Author and is offered as Reviewer through the following address:
The author should fulfill the form as detail as possible where the star marked form must be entered. After all form textbox was filled, Author clicks on “Register” button to proceed the registration. Therefore, Author is brought to online author submission interface where Author should click on “New Submission”. In the Start a New Submission section, click on “’Click Here’: to go to step one of the five-step submission process”. The following are five steps in online submission process:
- Step 1 - Starting the Submission: Select the appropriate section of the journal, i.e. Original Research Articles, Review Article, or Short Communication. Thus, the author must check-mark on the submission checklists.
- Step 2 – Uploading the Submission: To upload a manuscript to this journal, click Browse on the Upload submission file item and choose the manuscript document file (.doc/.docx) to be submitted, then click "Upload" button until the file has been uploaded. Do not upload other supplementary files here.
- Step 3 – Entering Submission’s Metadata: In this step, detail authors metadata should be entered including marked corresponding author. After that, manuscript title and abstract must be uploaded by copying the text and paste in the textbox including keywords.
- Step 4 – Uploading Supplementary Files: Supplementary file is research data which is important to research. Therefore, click on Browse button, choose the files, and then click on Upload button.
- Step 5 – Confirming the Submission: Author should final check the uploaded manuscript documents in this step. To submit the manuscript to Jurnal Jurisprudence , click Finish Submission button after the documents are true. The corresponding author or the principal contact will receive an acknowledgment by email and will be able to view the submission’s progress through the editorial process by logging in to the journal web address site.
After this submission, Authors who submit the manuscript will get a confirmation email about the submission. Therefore, Authors are able to track their submission status at any time by logging in to the online submission interface. The submission tracking includes a status of manuscript review and editorial process.
8. Author Fees
Jurnal Jurisprudence is an open access journal. This journal charges the following author fees.
Publication fee : 1,500,000 (IDR)
Translation fee (if the manuscript is in Indonesian) : at cost
Proofread fee (if the manuscript is in English): at cost
*Authors from Indonesia are advised to submit articles in Indonesian. After the review process is complete, it will be translated by an official translation agency that collaborates with the Jurisprudence journal. Translation costs will be charged at-cost.
If the manuscript is in English, it must be accompanied by a translation statement from an official translation agency so that the journal manager will not re-proofread the author's article and the author will not be charged additional fees for proofreading the article. If the dissertation is not with an official translation agency, the article will be proofread by an official translation agency that collaborates with the Jurisprudence journal. Proofreading costs will be charged at-cost*
9. User Rights
All articles published Open Access will be immediately and permanently free for everyone to read and download. We are continuously working with our author communities to select the best choice of license options, currently being defined for this journal as follows:
• Creative Commons (CC BY)
10. Manuscript Preparation Guidelines
10.1. General Organization of Paper
The paper will be published in Jurnal Jurisprudence after the peer-reviewed process and decided as "Accepted" by Editor. The final paper layout will be reproduced by Editorial Office of Jurnal Jurisprudence. The final paper layout in PDF type, known as "Uncorrected Proof" should be corrected by Author. The final corrected proof will be published first in “Article In Press” pre-issue.
The manuscript content be organized in the following order: Title; Authors Name; Authors Affiliation; Abstract; Keywords; Introduction; Research Methods; Results and Discussion; Conclusions; Acknowledgments; and References. Manuscript document submitted to this journal (in one MS Word file) should be arranged as Body text of manuscript article (from Title to References, include tables and figures).
Please include Covering Letter in a separated document file containing your summary of scientific finding and uploaded in Supplementary Files.
10.2. Section Headings
Three levels of heading are allowed as follows:
- Level 1 (Heading1 format) - 12pt, Times New Roman bold, Title Case, left justified
- Level 2 (Heading2 format) - 12pt, Times New Roman bold, Title Case, left justified
10.3. Body Text
The body of the text is a set of body text paragraphs defined as follows:
- 12 pt, Times New Roman
- One-half space
- Spacing after the heading is 3pt
- Spacing before the new heading is 12pt
- Indentation for the first line is 1 cm.
10.4. Bullets
Bullet and numbering within body text are not allowed. All sentence should be typed as descriptive paragraph.
10.5. Tables
Tables are sequentially numbered with the table title and number above the table. Tables should be centered in the column OR on the page. Tables should be followed by a line space (12pt). Elements of a table should be single-spaced. However, double spacing can be used to show groupings of data or to separate parts within the table. Table headings should be in 10pt not bold. Tables are referred in the text by the table number, e.g., Table 1. Do not show the vertical line in the table. There is only horizontal line should be shown in the table.
10.6. Figures
Figures are sequentially numbered commencing at 1 with the figure title and number below the figure as shown in Figure 1. Detailed recommendations for figures are as follows:
- Ensure that figures are clear and legible with typed letterings.
- Black & white or colored figures are allowed.
- If a figure spans two columns, it should be placed at the top or bottom of a page.
10.8. Equations
Equations should be numbered serially within parentheses as shown in Equation (1). The equation should be prepared using MS Equation Editor (not in image format). The equation number is to be placed at the extreme right side.
10.9. Units, Abbreviations, and Symbols
Metric units are preferred and should be consistent throughout body text. Define abbreviations and symbols at the first time as they are introduced in the text.
10.10. Manuscript Heading, Font, and Spacing
The manuscript should be typed using word processors (Microsoft Word or Open Office) software. The font used throughout the paper is Times New Roman. The paper size is A4 (i.e., 210 x 297 mm), one-column format with a 2.5 cm margin at the top, a 2.5 cm margin at the bottom, 2.5 cm margin on the left, and 2 cm margin on the right. Lines are one-half spaced, justified. Page numbers should be included in the text located in the footer section of each page. Use of pronouns such as I, we, etc. is to be avoided.
Manuscript submitted to this journal should follow the heading below, except for the review article: Title; Authors Name; Authors Affiliation; Abstract; Keywords; Introduction; Research Methods; Results and Discussion; Conclusions; Acknowledgments; and References.
10.11. Paper Title
This is your opportunity to attract the reader’s attention. Remember that readers are the potential authors who will cite your article. Identify the main issue of the paper. Begin with the subject of the paper. The title should be accurate, unambiguous, specific, and complete. Do not contain infrequently-used abbreviations. The title of the article must be in accordance with the scope of the jurisprudence journal, namely describing the ratio decidendi.
The title of the paper should be in 16 pt bold Times New Roman and be centered. The title should have 0 pts space above and 12 pts below.
10.12. Authors Name and Affiliations
Write Author(s) names without a title and professional positions such as Prof, Dr, etc. Do not abbreviate your last/family name. Always give your First and Last names. Write clear affiliation of all Authors. Affiliation includes a name of department/unit, (faculty), a name of university, address, country. Please indicate Corresponding Author (include email address) by adding an asterisk (*) in superscript behind the name.
Author names should be in 10 pt Times Roman bold with 12 pts above and 12 pts below. Author addresses are superscripted by numerals and centered over both columns of manuscripts. Author affiliations should be in 10 pt Times Roman italic. The body of the text should commence two lines (24 points) below the last address.
Present/permanent address. If an author has moved since the work described in the article was done, or was visiting at the time, a 'Present address' (or 'Permanent address') may be indicated as a footnote to that author's name. The address at which the author did the work must be retained as the main, affiliation address. Superscript Arabic numerals are used for such footnotes.
10.13. Abstract and Keywords
An abstract should stand alone, means that no citation in the abstract. Consider it the advertisement of your article. The abstract should tell the prospective reader what you did and highlight the key findings. Avoid using technical jargon and uncommon abbreviations. You must be accurate, brief, clear and specific. Use words which reflect the precise meaning. The abstract should be precise and honest. Please follow word limitations (250 words). The abstract is made with the following contents:
- Purpose of the study (Purpose): contains the purpose of the research
- Methodology (Methodology): how or how the research is carried out until completion
- Results (Findings): contains the results of the findings of the research
- Applications of this study (Usefulness): explanation of the usefulness of this research both scientifically and practically
- Novelty/Originality of this study (Novelty/Originality): explanation of new ideas in this research and is not research that has been researched by other researchers
Keywords are the labels of your manuscript and critical to correct indexing and searching. Therefore the keywords should represent the content and highlight of your article. Use only those abbreviations that are firmly established in general. Each word/phrase in keyword should be separated by a semicolon (;), not a comma (,).
10.14. Writing Person's Name
The writing of the person's name in the manuscript must be in the form of initials whose name is consistently pronounced from the beginning to the end of the manuscript. Example: Medina Zendi (MZ)
10.15 Introduction
The introduction contains the background of the problem and the formulation of the problem. The background contains das sollen and das sein. One of the formulations of the problem must describe the ratio decidendi.
10.16 Methods
Methods already published should be indicated by a reference: only relevant modifications should be described. Do not repeat the details of established methods. The method is the way or how research data is obtained. In addition, it contains information about how the research is carried out and how the method can be an analytical tool to deepen the discussion of research results. Usually in legal research, the research method used is the normative, empirical, or socio-legal research method.
10.17. Results and Discussion
Sub-chapters in the results and discussion must answer according to the problem formulation in the introduction.
Results should be clear and concise. The results should summarize (scientific) findings rather than providing data in great detail. Please highlight differences between your results or findings and the previous publications by other researchers. The discussion should explore the significance of the results of the work, not repeat them. A combined Results and Discussion section is often appropriate. Avoid extensive citations and discussion of published literature.
In discussion, it is the most important section of your article. Here you get the chance to sell your data. Make the discussion corresponding to the results, but do not reiterate the results. Often should begin with a brief summary of the main scientific findings (not experimental results).
The following components should be covered in discussion: How do your results relate to the original question or objectives outlined in the Introduction section (what/how)? Do you provide interpretation scientifically for each of your results or findings presented (why)? Are your results consistent with what other investigators have reported (what else)? Or are there any differences?
10.18. Conclusions
The conclusion contains the answer to the problem formulation and is not a summary of the results and discussion. Do not repeat the Abstract, or just list experimental results. Provide a clear scientific justification for your work, and indicate possible applications and extensions. You should also suggest future experiments and/or point out those that are underway.
10.19. Acknowledgment
Recognize those who helped in the research, especially funding supporter of your research. Include individuals who have assisted you in your study: Advisors, Financial supporters, or may another supporter, i.e. Proofreaders, Typists, and Suppliers, who may have given materials. Do not acknowledge one of the authors names.
10.20. References
Reference Manager Applications like Mendeley with APA 6th style. Use other published articles in the same journal as models.
10.21. References
Your reference list should be ordered alphabetically by author and then chronologically by year of publication. The APA 6th style requires the references to be indented as illustrated below in the examples.
For instances of multiple articles with the same authors and years of publication, please check the APA publication manual or Academic Writer. If you have the DOI for the journal article, you should include it in the reference, otherwise, it is not necessary.
- De Vaus, D. A. (2014). Surveys in social research. Sydney, Australia: Allen & Unwin.
Book chapter
- McKenzie, H., Boughton, M., Hayes, L., & Forsyth, S. (2008). Explaining the complexities and value of nursing practice and knowledge. In I. Morley & M. Crouch (Eds.), Knowledge as value: Illumination through critical prisms (pp. 209-224). Amsterdam, Netherlands: Rodopi.
Journal article
- Cheung, J. M. Y., Bartlett, D. J., Armour, C. L., Laba, T. L., & Saini, B. (2018). To drug or not to drug: A qualitative study of patients’ decision-making processes for managing insomnia. Behavioral Sleep Medicine, 16(1), 1-26. doi:10.1080/15402002.2016.1163702
Webpage with an author
HealthTimes. (2015). The future of aged care nursing in Australia. Retrieved from
Webpage with no author
- $250m funding boost for malaria vaccine. (2003). Retrieved from
Newspaper article
- Fellner, C. (2019, April 7). Time bomb: Two new cases as NSW faces worst measles outbreak in years. The Sydney Morning Herald. Retrieved from
Government publication
- Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. (2018). Physical activity across the life stages. Canberra, Australia: Author.
- Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. (2018). Physical activity across the life stages. Retrieved from
Company and Industry Reports
- Vuong, B. (2018, November). IBISWorld industry report OD5381. Coffee shops in Australia. Retrieved from IBISWorld database.
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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.