The Combination of Short Message Service Reminder and Diary to Improve Diet Compliance Undergoing Hemodialysis




diary, chronic kidney disease, diet compliance, SMS reminder


Dietary compliance with chronic kidney disease is one aspect that plays an important role as one of the keys to successful therapy, preventing worsening of the condition and rapid progression of the stage and uremic syndrome. Providing media such as diaries and SMS reminders is one method to increase compliance. Objective: The purpose of this study was to analyze the increase in dietary compliance of CKD patients after being given a diary and SMS reminder.The method in this study is using a quasi-experimental method with a pre-test and post-test case control design. The sample in this study amounted to 44 respondents who were divided into two groups. Samples were taken using accidental sampling technique. Data was collected using a diet compliance questionnaire. Data analyis was carried out by using paired t-test and an independent t-test. The study was conducted in March-April 2022. The results of the paired t-test showed that there was an increase in dietary compliance after the intervention with a p-value of 0,000. Independent t-test showed that there were differences in dietary and SMS reminder with a p-value 0,000. Conlusion Diary and SMS reminders are effective in increasing dietary compliance of cronic kidney disease  patients undergoing hemodialysis.


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Author Biographies

Endriyan Mulyadi Justicia Waluyo, Sekolah Tinggi Kesehatan Muhammadiyah Ciamis

Jln. KH. Ahmad Dahlan No. 20 Ciamis 46216   



Ima Sukmawati, Sekolah Tinggi Kesehatan Muhammadiyah Ciamis

Jln. KH. Ahmad Dahlan No. 20 Ciamis 46216


Irpan Ali Rahman, Sekolah Tinggi Kesehatan Muhammadiyah Ciamis

Jln. KH. Ahmad Dahlan No. 20 Ciamis 46216


Yuliani Yuliani, Sekolah Tinggi Kesehatan Muhammadiyah Ciamis

Jln. KH. Ahmad Dahlan No. 20 Ciamis 46216


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How to Cite

Waluyo, E. M. J., Sukmawati, I. ., Rahman, I. A., & Yuliani, Y. (2023). The Combination of Short Message Service Reminder and Diary to Improve Diet Compliance Undergoing Hemodialysis. Jurnal Berita Ilmu Keperawatan, 16(1), 39–46.


