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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines


You as an author will be required to accept the Journal Publishing Agreement for when you submit your manuscript to our journal. This agreement covers authorship, originality and conflicts of interest. Please read this agreement to ensure your submission complies.

To verify the originality of your manuscript, it will be checked by the plagiarism detection service Turnitin.



Authorship or a co-author means a person who has made a significant contribution to the manuscript and who shares responsibilities and accountability of the results.  If a manuscript is written by more than one author, you’ll choose one person to be the corresponding author. This person will handle all correspondence about the manuscript and sign the publishing agreement on behalf of all the authors. If you are a co-author, this means that

  1. You have made a significant contribution to the research, whether it is in the concept or design, acquisition of data, analysis and interpretation, or in all these areas.
  2. You have drafted, written, or revised the article.
  3. You have reviewed and agreed on the final version of the article before submission.
  4. You have agreed on the journal to which your manuscript will be submitted.
  5. You are aware that you are taking the responsibility and accountability for the content of the manuscript.
  6. You are aware that the corresponding author will be acting on your behalf in any communication about the article, through submission, peer review, production, and after publication.
  7. In line with standard publishing ethics, if your article is found to be unsafe, have errors, in some way fraudulent, or in breach of the publishing agreement, that responsibility is shared by all named co-authors.


Copyright aims to protect the specific way the article has been written to describe an experiment and the results. Journal of Community Services and Engagement: Voice of Community (VOC) is committed to its authors to protect and defend their work and their reputation and takes allegations of infringement, plagiarism, ethic disputes and fraud very seriously.


The names and email addresses entered on this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.


If your manuscript is accepted for publication, you will be able to access and download the published manuscript online on our website. Under the Open-Access policy, this journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge in term of community engagement.

If your paper is accepted for publication, you will be able to access and download the published article online on the website.


Your submitted manuscript must be in good, grammatically correct English. If  English is not your native language, you should seek the help of an English Language Editing service or professional translator. If your manuscript is accepted to be published on our journal, we also arrange a proofreading process to make sure language on your manuscript is suitable for academic purpose.


All manuscripts must be formatted to 30 mm margins, single-spaced, with Cambria 12 point font, with page size of 210 mm x 297 mm ( A4 size). Including the body of the manuscript, references, endnotes, tables, and figures, all material should be no longer than 10 single-spaced pages.  The Manuscripts should be written in English and prepared in accordance with the submission guidelines of the journal. The total word count of the manuscript should be between 1000 to 4000 words.



A concise and factual abstract is requiredAll submissions must include an abstract summary maximum 400 words.


Authors must supply five alphabetized keywords or phrases that identify the most important concepts in their paper. Examples of keywords could include theoretical concepts, methods used, geographical areas, or common community development themes.

Article contents

An Journal of Community Services and Engagement manuscript should be divided into the following sections: 

  1. Title page : The title makes it easier for readers to know the gist of the journal without having to read the entire journal. The title should not have a double meaning. It is recommended that it should not be more than 20 English journal words. The title is written in the center of the top of the page, using capital letters, and in bold.
  2. Abstract and Keywords : Abstract is different from summary. The abstract section in a scientific journal serves to briefly digest the contents of the journal. The abstract here is intended to be an explanation without referring to the journal. The abstract section should present about 250 words that summarize the objectives, methods, results and conclusions. Do not use abbreviations or quotations in the abstract. The abstract must stand alone without footnotes. This abstract is usually written last. An easy way to write an abstract is to quote the most important points in each section of the journal. Then use the points to compile a brief description of the journal that has been created. Abstract writing is typed using 1 space. Keywords as many as 3-5 words, taken from the core that will be discussed in the research.
  3. Introduction : contains the background of the problem, situation analysis, service objectives, literature review relevant to the problems faced by partners (15-20% of the total length of the article).
  4. Methods of Implementation : contains an exposition in the form of paragraphs containing the time and place of the activity, design, materials/subjects of the activity, procedures/techniques/stages of the activity (10-15% of the total length of the article).
  5. Results and Discussion : contains the results of the analysis which are the answers to the research questions/problems, while the discussion emphasizes the explanation of the partner's condition before and after the service was carried out.
  6. Conclusion :  contains the conclusion in the form of an implementation paragraph which is the answer to the problem formulation.
  7. Acknowledgements : contains thanks to parties who have been involved in activities or funding, written in paragraph form (not numbering).
  8. References : A bibliography or reference contains sources used as references in the research. At least 60% of the reference sources should be from publications within the last 10 years. The references used should be primary sources, such as articles in scientific journals or research reports (thesis, dissertations), and preferably, one of them should refer to this journal article. The bibliography should be written in alphabetical order using Times New Roman font size 12, single spacing, and a special hanging indentation of 0.25” after 12 pt. Writing References should use a reference management application such as Mendeley. The writing format used in the Journal of Community Service is in conformity with the APA 6th Edition (American Psychological Association) format.

    Journal article:
    Brennan, M. A., & Israel, G. D. (2008). The power of community services . Community services Development, 39(1), 82-97.

    McKibbin, B. (2007). Deep economy: The wealth of communities and the durable future. New York: Times Books/Henry Hold and Co.




All figures should be numbered with Arabic numerals (1,2,3,....). Every figure should have a caption. All photographs, schemas, graphs and diagrams are to be referred to as figures. Line drawings should be good quality scans or true electronic output. Low-quality scans are not acceptable. The figures on your manuscript must be sent separately from your manuscript in high resolution.


All tables for submitting manuscript should be numbered with Arabic numerals and this tables should be editable (no in image formats). Every table should have a caption. Headings should be placed above tables, center aligned. Only horizontal lines should be used within a table, to distinguish the headings from the body of the table, and immediately above and below the table. Tables must be embedded into the text and not supplied separately. If the table is obtained from other sources, include the source below the table, left justified.


Writing References should use a reference management application such as Mendeley. The writing format used in the Journal of Community Service is in conformity with the APA 6th Edition (American Psychological Association) format.


Journal article:

Brennan, M. A., & Israel, G. D. (2008). The power of community services . Community services  Development, 39(1), 82-97.


McKibbin, B. (2007). Deep economy: The wealth of communities and the durable future. New York: Times Books/Henry Hold and Co.

Chapter in an edited book:

Pigg, K. E., & Bradshaw, T. K., (2003). Catalytic community services  development: A theory of practice for changing rural society. In D. L. Brown & L. E. Swanson (Eds.), Challenges for rural America in the twenty-first century (pp. 385-396). University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press.

Internet source:

U.S. Census Bureau. (2000). State and Country QuickFacts. Washington, D.C.: United States Bureau of the Census. Retrieved November 7, 2008, from

Patent Reference: 

H. Aviv, D. Friedman, A. Bar-Ilan and M. Vered. Submicron emulsions as ocular drug delivery vehicles, U.S. Patent US 5496811; 1996.

Internet source 

U.S. Cencus Bureau. (2000). State and Country QuickFacts. Washington, D.C.: United States Bureau of the Cencus. Retrieved November 7, 2008, from


Proofs and Copyright

Proofs will be sent by e-mail to the listed corresponding author. Any corrections must be returned within one week of receipt and should only cover typesetting errors. All corrections and the signed copyright form must be returned to us in one communication. Proofreading is solely the responsibility of the authors.


After publication, the Corresponding Author will receive one copy of the journal. The online published article can be freely accessed and downloaded from the website.


For further advice please contact secretariat of Journal of Community Services and Engagement: Voice of Community (VOC)
Lembaga Pengabdian Masyarakat dan Pengembangan Persyarikatan
Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
Jl. A. Yani, Pabelan, Kartasura, Sukoharjo 57169

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.