
  • Paper Template


    Please comply with the layout and paper format provisions in SINEKTIKA: Jurnal Arsitektur.

    The basic provisions are as follows:
    - The file format is MS Word, not PDF
    - The file naming format is the title of the paper
    - Make sure the author's name is clear

    - Bibliography of at least 15 and must be cited in the contents
    - Make sure the font type, spacing, margins, etc. are appropriate and neat

    - Start January 2025 edition, all papers must be in ENGLISH

    Every submission must be completed with a TURNITIN file as an attachment. Submission without TURNITIN will be declined.


    Thank You

    Read more about Paper Template
  • Publication Timeline


    The following is the publication timeline in SINEKTIKA: Jurnal Arsitektur:

    January Edition
    - Submission: August 1 - September 30
    - Review: October 1 - October 31
    - Revision: November 1 - December 15
    - Publication: January 1 - January 15

    July Edition
    - Submission: February 1 - March 31
    - Review: April 1 - April 30
    - Revision: May 1 - June 15
    - Publication: July 1 - July 15

    SINEKTIKA: Jurnal Arsitektur is published twice a year, every January and July. All editions contain a maximum of 16 papers and a minimum of 12 papers. All papers that have been submitted are automatically recorded and will be selected for the review process.

    If there are fewer than 12 papers published, there will be an adjustment to the schedule and a follow-up paper will be opened. Thank you.

    Editor in Chief

    Read more about Publication Timeline
  • Publication Fee


    In connection with the policy from Program Studi Arsitektur Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, starting from publication of the January 2025 edition, a publication fee will be charged Rp. 500,000/ paper.

    Payment can be made via the SINEKTIKA: Jurnal Arsitektur bank account. The number will be informed directly after your paper ready to publish.

    We ask for your cooperation. Thank You.

    Editor in chief

    Read more about Publication Fee
  • Website Migration


    In connection with the migration plan from OJS 2 to OJS 3, start from January 2024 the old SINEKTIKA: Jurnal Arsitektur website domain is no longer accepting incoming papers. Website domain changed to this current website

    We ask for your cooperation. Thank you.

    Editor in Chief

    Read more about Website Migration