Variasi Sapaan Masyarakat Multikultural di Rokan Hilir Riau: Kajian Sosiodialektologi




Variasi sapaan, multikultural, Riau, Sosiodialektologi, Faktor sosial


This research aims to identify the lexical variations of address terms in Rokan Hilir Regency, Riau
Province, and the social factors influencing these terms, as well as to observe the characteristics of the
local Malay community regarding their openness to other ethnic groups. This study is a descriptive
qualitative research using a sociodialectological approach. The data in this research consist of
utterances obtained from conversations or communicative acts in various formal and informal
domains within the research area. Data collection methods include observation and monitoring of daily
interactions and activities in the research area. The techniques used are note-taking and recording,
which involve: 1) transcribing spoken data into written form according to the data obtained from
observations, 2) identifying the variations of address terms used and the social factors influencing
these variations, 3) examining the values of the Malay ethnic group as the native community in
accepting other migrating ethnic groups, and 4) drawing conclusions. The results show that the
variations of address terms in Rokan Hilir Regency, Riau Province, originate from the Malay, Minang,
Batak, and Javanese ethnic groups. The social factors underlying this include mutual respect, age, and
familiarity, all of which refer to the overall harmony in society created through well-established
relationships. Additionally, the local community, particularly the Malay ethnic group, exhibits positive
attitudes such as openness, respect, and inclusiveness, which are reflected in the management of
natural resources often handled by outsiders, Riau's status as a transmigration area, and the
adaptability of the Malay language, which has become the lingua franca and the precursor to the
Indonesian language.


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How to Cite

Yusnidar, L., & Suryadi, M. (2024). Variasi Sapaan Masyarakat Multikultural di Rokan Hilir Riau: Kajian Sosiodialektologi. Kajian Linguistik Dan Sastra, 9(1), 79–98.


