About the Journal

Kajian Linguistik dan Sastra journal research-based articles on language studies, literature studies, and language teaching. We invite experts in these fields of knowledge to share their ideas and findings through publish articles in our journal.

Every article submitted to this journal should follow the review process admitted by the editorial board. Meeting the author's guideline is the first step to review submitted articles in this journal. This journal involves double blind review process before the article is published. Thus, authors' responsiveness to the revew process is also expected as it is a potent aspect of editorial process.

Our focus:

  • Language studies, covering sociolinguistics, psycolinguistics, translation, lexicography, comparative linguistics, computational linguistics, and anthropological linguistics.
  • Literature studies: clasical literature, contemporary literature, travel literature, philology, ethnic liteature, and teenage liteature.
  • Language teaching: methods in language teaching, teaching media development, teaching of Indonesian for foreign learners, and development of language teaching materials.