Representasi the Other dalam Novel Cinta Putih di Bumi Papua Karya Dzikry El Han: Tinjauan Sastra Perjalanan Carl Thompson


  • Devi Cintia Kasimbara Universitas PGRI Madiun
  • Wahyuningsih Universitas PGRI Madiun



Travel literature is a work that writes about the author's experience when traveling to a new and
unfamiliar place. This research aims to raise and explore the form of representation of The Other
described by Dzikry el Han in the novel Cinta Putih di Bumi Papua. The research method used in this
study is qualitative. By using Carl Thompson's travel writing theory, this paper will reveal the author's
culture and Papuan culture told in the novel. The results show that in the novel Cinta Putih di Bumi
Papua, there are various colonial discourses that are demeaning and othering the Papua people.
Although the travel literature written by Dzikry is based on accurate data, it should be noted that the
fact that a society consists of various individuals who have various characters so that it can be concluded
that travel literature will not be able to cover a society in a culture perfectly because the society consists
of various individuals who have their own life stories so that it would not be fair to judge a culture
without seeing it as a whole.


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How to Cite

Kasimbara, D. C., & Wahyuningsih. (2024). Representasi the Other dalam Novel Cinta Putih di Bumi Papua Karya Dzikry El Han: Tinjauan Sastra Perjalanan Carl Thompson. Kajian Linguistik Dan Sastra, 9(1), 116–131.


