Manajemen Impresi Prabowo Subianto dalam Menghadapi Pemilihan Presiden 2024


  • Yusuf Abdurrohman Universitas Indonesia



dramaturgi, manajemen impresi, media digital, media sosial, Prabowo Subianto


Salah satu calon Presiden Indonesia 2024, Prabowo Subianto, yang dahulu dikenal sebagai sosok tegas dan berwibawa kini viral di media sosial dengan citra gemoy dan suka berjoget. Kontradiksi branding yang ditampilkan ini menarik untuk dieksplorasi lebih jauh terkait bagaimana strategi manajemen impresi yang dilakukannya dan bagaimana media digital berperan dalam proses tersebut. Teori Dramaturgi yang diperkenalkan Erving Goffman digunakan sebagai pendekatan untuk memahami fenomena ini. Penelitian ini menggunakan paradigma konstruktivis dengan pendekatan kualitatif berupa analisis teks dengan metode analisis multimodal. Dari hasil analisis didapatkan strategi yang digunakan dalam mengkonstruksikan citra baru Prabowo Subianto melalui media sosial. Penelitian ini juga membahas munculnya insiden dramaturgi yang mengganggu manajemen impresi yang telah dijalankan. Penelitian ini menunjukkan peran penting media digital yang dapat berdampak positif maupun negatif terhadap manajemen impresi. Selain itu, khalayak bukanlah objek pasif yang menerima begitu saja kesan yang diterima, tetapi dapat secara aktif mencari kebenaran dengan bantuan media digital. Peran khalayak dan media digital ini perlu dijadikan sebagai kajian dalam manajemen impresi, tidak hanya untuk mencegah munculnya insiden dramaturgi, tetapi juga menghadapi insiden dramaturgi yang telah telanjur terjadi.


One of the 2024 Indonesian presidential candidates, Prabowo Subianto, who was previously known as a firm and authoritative figure has now gone viral on social media with his cheerful image and likes dancing. This drastic change in the image is interesting to explore further to find out how impression management strategy is done and how digital media plays a role in this process. The Dramaturgical theory introduced by Erving Goffman is used as an approach to understanding this phenomenon. This research uses constructivist paradigm with qualitative approach in the form of text analysis with multimodal analysis methods. From the results of the analysis, the strategies used in constructing Prabowo Subianto's new image through social media were obtained. However, in the middle of implementing this strategy, dramaturgical incidents arose which disrupted the impression management that had been carried out. This research shows the important role of digital media which can have a positive or negative impact on the implementation of impression management. In addition, audiences are not passive objects who simply accept the impressions they receive, but can actively seek the truth with the help of digital media. The role of audiences and digital media needs to be used as a study in impression management, not only to prevent dramaturgical incidents from occurring, but also to deal with dramaturgical incidents that have already occurred. Thus, developing an impression management strategy should not only focus on how to construct the desired reality, but also how to prevent and act when dramaturgical incidents that disrupt impression management occur.


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