Implementasi Profil Pelajar Pancasila melalui Kegiatan Ekstrakurikuler Robotik dan Smart Farmer di SMAS Santo Tarcisius Dumai


  • Arie Linarta
  • Masrizal Masrizal STMIK Dumai
  • Deasy Wahyuni



ekstrakurikuler, robot, smart farmer, Pancasila


Santo Tarcisius High School is the first driving school in Dumai City, so Santo Tarcisius High School has the responsibility to implement the Pancasila Student Profile for its students. One of the characteristics of the Pancasila Student Profile is creative, namely being able to modify and produce something original, meaningful, useful and impactful. To realize the Pancasila Student Profile, an effort is needed to provide knowledge and skills to students in an interesting way, one of which is through robotics and smart farmer extracurricular learning activities. Based on the results of discussions with the school principal, the problems faced in implementing robotics and smart farming extracurricular activities include 1) Students have never had an understanding of computer and robot-based intelligent farming system technology, 2) They do not yet have teachers who are competent in the field of robotics, 3) Limited costs purchasing robotic electronic equipment and installing smart farmers at schools. Based on the problems above, the aim of this activity is to realize the Pancasila Profile, especially in the IT sector, through education on making Line Follower robots and smart farming systems for hydroponic plants. The implementation method is by dividing students into several groups to make Line Follower robots. The number of students in this activity is 150 students/class XI SMA Santo Tarcisius. Success in Beginner Community Service (PMP) is to improve students' skills in making robots and intelligent systems which is measured through the final product results, pre test and post test questionnaires, the product results from this PMP are line follower robots and smart farmer systems, the conclusion of the PMP This is to increase efficiency, productivity and sustainability in the agricultural sector through the application of the latest technology.


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How to Cite

Linarta, A., Masrizal, M., & Wahyuni, D. . (2023). Implementasi Profil Pelajar Pancasila melalui Kegiatan Ekstrakurikuler Robotik dan Smart Farmer di SMAS Santo Tarcisius Dumai. Warta LPM, 26(4), 422–431.