Assistance in Preparing E-RDKK at Gapoktan "Rejo Mulyo" in Rejoagung Village, Sumberwringin District, Bondowoso Regency


  • Rizal Rizal Politeknik Negeri Jember, Jember, Indonesia
  • Togimin Togimin Politeknik Negeri Jember, Jember, Indonesia



E-RDKK, Pupuk Bersubsidi, SOP, Google Formulir, Training


Agriculture is one of the most important products in Indonesia. The agricultural sector is a sector that has a strategic role in the structure of national economic development. Agricultural development will not move forward if it is not supported by adequate agricultural facilities and infrastructure. One of the problems faced by farmers is access to subsidized fertilizer. In order to realize national food security, one of the production facilities factors that is very important in increasing productivity and production is fertilizer. The government is very interested in implementing various policy resolutions/regulations in the field of fertilizer to create a conducive climate for the supply of fertilizer in Indonesia, so that farmers can easily Get fertilizer according to your needs. The proposal procedure for obtaining subsidized fertilizer by farmers through the preparation of an electronic definitive group needs plan (E-RDKK) is still not fully understood and is still carried out manually by both farmers and farmer group administrators. To overcome this, socialization and training were carried out on procedures for preparing the E-RDKK and training on preparing the E-RDKK.


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How to Cite

Rizal, R., & Togimin, T. (2023). Assistance in Preparing E-RDKK at Gapoktan "Rejo Mulyo" in Rejoagung Village, Sumberwringin District, Bondowoso Regency . Journal of Community Services and Engagement: Voice of Community (VOC), 3(3), 22–29.


