Journal History

Profetika: Jurnal Studi Islam is an open-access journal and peer-reviewed journal. Profetika is an international journal published by Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, where this journal publishes research articles, conceptual articles, field study reports, and book reviews that discuss the theme of Islamic Studies.

In 1999, Dates of publication.

In 1999, Get ISSN:1411-0881 (Print), SK Number ISSN: 04.156/IV.3.05/ISSN/1999, with the publication of Master of Islamic Studies, Graduate School, University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta.

In 1999, The publication of an article with Indonesian.

In 2007, Reactivate ISSN: 1411-0881 (Print).

In 2013, started using OJS 2 with Vol. 14, No. 2, December 2013,

In 2014, The publication of articles in Indonesian, English, and Arabic.

In 2016, Get ISSN: 2541-4534 (Online-Electronic), SK ISSN Number: 0005.25414534/JI.3.1/SK. ISSN/2016.10, with publications of the University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta, Institute for the Development of Scientific Publications and Textbooks.

In 2019, Accredited by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia with SK 36/E/KPT/2019.

In 2020, It was listed in the indexation of the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, Moraref (Ministry of Religious Affairs Reference).

In 2021, Last modification date: 06/02/2021 (ISSN: 2541-4534), type of record: Confirmed.

In 2023, Migration to OJS 3, with Vol. 24 No. 02 (2023),

In 2023, The publication of articles in English and Arabic.

In 2023, Profetika journal has been indexed by several indexing engines such as Google Scholar, GARUDA, Moraref, SINTA, DOAJ, Crossref, Dimensions, ResearchGate, ISSN, OneSearch, Mendeley, Worldcat, Fatcatwiki, Wikidata, and Road.

In 2023, All published articles will have a DOI.