Penerapan Kuesioner Sederhana Deteksi Dini Penyakit Jantung untuk Pencegahan Penyakit Jantung Di Kelurahan Tambakreja


  • Kasron Kasron STIKES Al-Irsyad Al-Islamiyyah Cilacap
  • Mrs Universitas Al-Irsyad Cilacap



Early Detection, Knowledge, Heart Disease


Heart disease is a general term for all diseases that attack the heart as a cardiovascular system, such as Angina Pectoris, Acut Myocardial Infarction and Congestive Heart Failure. Heart disease in every country is ranked first as a non-communicable disease (NCD), the number one cause of death in the world. Heart disease can be prevented and can be detected early if each person knows the risk factors that can cause heart disease. The aim of this community service is to increase cadres' knowledge and skills regarding early detection of the risk of heart disease. The PKM methods used are: Initial survey, implementation with counseling, transfer of health knowledge and healthy living campaigns, heart disease detection, evaluation carried out during elderly posyandu activities. The results obtained were 64.3% of the knowledge of high category cadres, and they were able to apply the questionnaire for early detection of heart disease. After this service is carried out, cadres are expected to be able to apply it to residents who suffer and are at risk of suffering from heart disease.


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Author Biography

Mrs, Universitas Al-Irsyad Cilacap



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